Party Accidents

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I woke up in a jolt. Today was the day of the party. The day the twins turned one month old. I was pretty excited about it. As was Bryan. I quickly got dressed and put things up where they were supposed to be. As I finished was when Bryan woke up. "Morning sleeping beauty." I said. He laughed. "Sleeping Beauty? I'm not a beauty when I wake up. In literally Satan himself." He said. I stuck my tongue out. "Good morning Sleeping Satan." I told him. "Much better!" He said. Right when he finished eating was when there was a knock on the door. "Early enough." I said. I opened it to reveal Ash and Gia. "So, we were bored and decided to help out, with stuff?" She asked. I nodded. "Great! Get in here! You aren't getting any younger!" I said. They laughed, walking in. "Morning Bryan!" The 2 said. Bryan smiled. "Good morning. Why so early?" He asked. "We wanted to help out!" They said. I laughed. "So, there aren't much decorations, but if you want to get some. Go ahead." I told them. They hurried off into another room. I laughed. "Wrong way ding heads." I told them. They went off in the other direction. I laughed. "By the way, love the way the hairdye looks, Kay!" Ashton said. I laughed. "Love your redness to buds!" I said. "Thanks!" The 2 yelled. "Also, we have a surprise for you during the party!" Gia said. I laughed. "Can't wait!" I said.

We all put up the little decorations we had. Once we finished there was a knock at the door. We opened it to reveal Sierra and Luke. "Oh my gosh!" I said. I hugged Sierra. Luke laughed as I hugged him. "Sierra it's been a while!" I said. "I know! I missed you!" She said. "Luke. Can you keep her? She's definitely sweeter than Arzaylea." I told him. He nodded. "Of course!" He said. I smiled. "Well. Come on, before you die out there." I told them. After a bit, guest started to arrive. And of course Michael was last.

"I'm not ALWAYS last!" Michael said. The twins laughed. "Michael the twins laugh at your lies." I told him. "The twins can't even tell! And I'm not lying." Michael said. The twins laughed again. "Oh. Don't underestimate the twins powers." Ashton said. I laughed and high-fived him. "Ashton knows!" I said. Ashton had an arm around Gia, as he smiled. Sierra and Crystal were holding the twins. Cal and Chal had Lukey in their arms. Luke was sitting next to Michael. (For now I'll call the baby Lukey and Luke Hemmings just Luke.) "But still. The twins cat tell when people lie." Michael said. I laughed. "Tell a lie then." I told them. "Uh. I hate Crystal so much." He said. The twins laughed. "They're human Lie detectors!" Crystal said. I smiled. Amara started teaching for Lukey. Lukey started reaching for Amara. (So this will help for the sequel! Pretend Crystal and Michael had a child before he proposed to her. As well as before Bryan and Kay had their children. Oh...also Luke and Sierra. Yeah...I'm very confusing..) "So Crystal, how's *****?" I asked. She laughed. "He's doing amazing! Looked exactly like Michael." She exclaimed I smiled. "And *****?" I asked Sierra. "Amazing! But both ***** and ***** are with a babysitter." She said. I smiled. "Awesome!" I said.

Long story short. We ran out of some food. "Guys. I'll head up to the store for us!" I volunteered. "Kay before you leave, we need to tell you something." Gia said. I smiled. "We'll have the time later." I told them. Ash and Gia looked at each other. "Ok. See you when you get back!" Gia said. I smiled. "We all have children...I wonder when Ash and Gia are gonna get some..." I said.

I was heading back from the store now. Bryan called. "Hey Kay! Almost home love?" He asked. I laughed. "I just got in the car." I told him. "Oh. Well. I miss you!" He said. I started the engine. "I miss you too, ya crazy." I told him. I started driving. "Anyways. I should let you go hon. I'm driving." I told him. As the light turned green, I started going. But another person, came at the wrong time. "OH MY GOD!!!" I yelled.

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