Luke Michael Hood

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So in a month the babies are coming. It's been a nightmare. I can't even get up without them kicking me. It's like they're telling me, "mom, stay lazy or we'll keep kicking until your stomach explodes!" I mean, I have to pee as much as you guys do! When they get older, I'm not going to stop reminding them of this. I'll just say, "you guys almost killed me when you were in my stomach!" Yep, that's what I'll say. Cal and Chal had theirs last night. The name of it is Luke Michael Hood. I'm so happy that they named it after Luke and Michael. Their baby has the skin color of Calum, and the eyes of Kay. How do I know? Because I'm the boss at knowing eye colors. Ashton texted me.

FieryAsh: please tell me at least one of the baby genders!

QueenKay: fine..I'll give a hint!

FieryAsh: as long as it's on one of them, it's good!

QueenKay: it starts with u

FieryAsh: U....?

FieryAsh: which one?

QueenKay: you'll have to think Ash

FieryAsh: Uhhhh

QueenKay: no the babies name isn't Uhhhh

FieryAsh: that wasn't a guess

QueenKay: I know. I'm just teasing

FieryAsh: Ugene?

QueenKay: nuh-uh

FieryAsh: Uranium?

QueenKay: you'd definitely think I'd name my child after the most boring school science thing?

FieryAsh: no! That's literally death itself

QueenKay: yeah

FieryAsh: hmmmmmm...I don't know

QueenKay: you'll know when the time comes

FieryAsh: yeah...I guess I will

QueenKay: see ya Ashy!

FieryAsh: see ya

I smirked. Little did Ashton know, the boy's name didn't start with the letter U, and it started with the letter A.

Texting Bryan DechartWhere stories live. Discover now