"Stop exaggerating Kong."

"I'm serious P', remind me to show you when we get back to the dorms. My legs have never looked better."

I snorted at his response. The kid can be so weird at times.

And just as easy as our banter was, so was the silence between us. Even as we sat next to each other in silence, as senior and junior, as friends, almost certainly as someone who would be a part of my future.

The quiet peace between us stretching for a few long minutes while we finished our drinks, simply staring into the darkening horizon, far into ocean. When finally I felt Kong move next to me slightly, he cleared his throat a little awkwardly, making me turn towards him. For the first time ever his face awashed with a deep red blush. Too much alcohol?






He was playing with the hem of his pants distractedly, the crimson in his cheeks even more darker than a few moments ago.

"What is it?"

"I ...had...something...I...wanted...to...tell...you..."

Kong was shy? Shy?

That was one word I would never had associated with the boy. He was the literally opposite of what one would call bashful. And yet there he sat, clearly biting his lower lip nervously as he stammered out whatever he wanted to tell me.

"I haven't...haven't...ever...told anyone...you are the only one...ummm...I...wanted to..."

I frowned as I tried to grasp what the jumbled words tumbling out of his mouth meant. What turns such a confident man, into a bumbling mess? He immediately shook his head as if to clear his mind, and he tried once again.

"Let...let...me start over. What I am trying to say is...is...you are great."

"Uh, huh."

"And I think we are lucky you are our senior. My senior."


"And I am so glad that we are friends now. We are right?"

A slight shadow of uncertainty falling over his eyes, which quickly dissipated at my agreeing nod.

"P' I think...I feel...I...you will understand...that you will accept...ummm..."

As challenging a task it was to parse his words, I was getting this tiny inkling that I knew what he was trying to intimate. The meaning behind them not having sunk in just yet, and still I felt my heart beat rising involuntarily. My chest beginning to thump without even my knowledge.

"You know P' last month when you and all the seniors were teasing me about that girl who confessed to me?"

"Oh I remember. You were totally basking in the glory of being the stud of the campus."

"P' I was just trying to get out of that situation. You were teasing me in front of everyone. Anyway, later that day you asked why I didn't agree to date her even though she was so pretty..."

"So why didn't you?"

"Cause I don't like her. I...can't like her....P'..."


He turned towards me once again. His eyes boring right into mine. His overwhelming emotions simmering right underneath the surface. And in that instant I knew exactly what he was talking about. What he was trying to tell me.

He was about to confess to me!

"P'..I think...I like..."

The piercing ring of my phone blaring garishly through the night. Both of us jumping slightly with the unexpected interruption. I scrambled to reach within my pocket and pulled out my phone and hurriedly breathed into the phone. I knew I had rather rudely stopped Kong right in his tracks, but this call couldn't have come at a better time. I just needed one second to think before Kong did what I knew he was going to do, and I just wanted a moment to breath before I had to come face to face with it.


"Arthit, are you drunk?"


"Tell me quickly. How much did you have to drink? Are you sober to drive?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Tootah got smashed and jumped from the roof of the cabin. We think he broke his leg. You need to drive us to the hospital. We can't manage to find a cab."

I was only half listening to Knot on the other side of the phone as I gave a quick glance to Kong sitting beside me, still staring at me with an intensity I was not prepared to handle.

"Yes! Yes I can drive. I will be right there."

I sprung to my feet and began walking towards my doofus friends when Kong reached out and grabbed my arm.

"P' I was...I wanted..."


My palm closed around the hand still clutching at my t-shirt and pried it slowly away. I know I was totally running away like a goddamn coward. But we had gone from me basking in our inevitable friendship to his confessing to me a little too fast. Me. A man. While he was also very much male. This had progressing super sonic fast. Everything needed to chill out for just a second before I would even know how to respond to him.

So yelling at Tootah's stupidity for the next 40 minutes seemed like the perfect distraction. And yet every second that I kept imagining leaving Kong alone at the beach while he was trying, rather desperately, to pour his heart out, was simply making mine race that much faster. I have no freaking idea what I would do or say when Kong would confess to me, but I still needed to go and talk to him. After all we were friends. He had just confirmed that with me. I cared for him obviously. Just to what extent remained to be seen.

Exactly 2 minutes after Tootah was rolled into the emergency room I mumbled some excuse and drove back to our cabins like a madman. My feet quickly carrying me back to the beach hoping to resume the awkward conversation we were having barely an hour ago. And when I found it deserted I automatically made my way towards his room.

I knew I shouldn't have left him. I knew it. Even if I wasn't ready to listen to what he was about to say, I should have still stuck it out. How could I abandon him mid-confession? I am such a fucking idiot. Now things were only going to be more awkward. But better late than never right?

I sucked in a deep breath as I stood outside his room. Willing my heart to calm down before I entered the lion's den. My finger's trembling slightly as I gave a soft knock and spoke a muted "Kong?.." before I closed my wrist around the handle and twisted it open.

But nothing under the sun could have prepared me for the sight that greeted me on the other side of the door.

A rather disheveled Kong lying flat against the bed. Half of his shirt undone. Hair much more messed up than they were barely an hour ago. And if that was all, my jaw wouldn't have been hitting the floor in that moment.

It was more about the strange boy I had never seen in my life before, with an irritatingly naked torso, looming over Kong.

Letters to my beloved [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now