[52] Path of the Willows

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"I do," said Haygen.  "But she also loves the wild. "

"As do I," said Selene reassuring him.  "Shouldn't we all?" 

Haygen considered this.  "Alright, should we get this rite of passage thing going?"

Selene ran off.  "I'll assemble them now, gather your friends!"


The Druids dressed Haygen in an off-white homespun tunic that covered his shoulders and ran down to his knees, having made quick adjustments to it for his height and girth.  A brown sash drew the tunic closed about his waist and a crown of green and pink wildflowers adorned his head.  They placed a long necklace of more wildflowers about his neck. 

A half moon rose and the stars came forth to bare witness to The Path of Willows.  The Druids, donned in their formal robes, had their ceremonial daggers hanging on their sash.  With one hand on their curling wooden staffs, and the other holding a Willow branch torch, they formed two columns lighting Haygen's way to the towering Standing Stones. 

"You look handsome," said his mother.

"Thank you, Mother," said Haygen.  I feel ridiculous, he thought.  He glanced to Anyu. 

The Ranger stood biting her lip with raised her eyebrows.  She braided her hair back the way he always liked, wearing her Ranger leathers.  She looked like a rainbow when the sun hits a waterfall just right—the best part of the waterfall.  She calmed herself and approached him with an embrace.  "You look...nervous.  Don't be.  Druidry runs in your blood.  Embrace it."

"Where's Kayla?" asked Haygen adjusting his tunic.  "I wish she was here."  He lifted his arm and smelled.  The scent of Sage and Willow bark from his ceremonial bath still lingered.

"She's off on a mission...handsome," said Wess with a grin.

Haygen squinted.  "You're looking, and acting, like your old self, Wess."  He embraced his tiny friend.  "I'm glad you're here."

"I feel fantastic," said the Faeling, "can you imagine if I missed this?"  His bright, keen look returned.  "A real Druid ceremony.  It's going to be wonderful."

"Shouldn't take long," said Haygen.  "We need to stay vigilant."

"Don't worry."  Otis clapped him on the back.  "Everyone else is on guard.  Wayland told me he has something special in store.  Let's enjoy this moment, Haygen."

Haygen smiled.  "I would never have made it if it wasn't for you, Otis."

They clasped forearms and embraced.  Otis beamed at him with a look of pride.

"Is the initiate ready?" asked Wayland raising his cudgel.  He wore his ceremonial robe, and his twisted wooden emblem denoting his rank as Arch Druid.

"He is," said Selene.  She dressed in her Druid robes as well, and leaned on her own staff. 

"Is the honor guard ready?" asked Wayland. 

Otis, Anyu, and Wess took their places in a line behind Haygen.

"They are ready," said Selene.

Wayland let his hand glide towards the Stones.  "Proceed."  In his other hand, he held items of Druidic tradition.

Haygen walked barefoot past each Druid in the column at a steady pace.  He inhaled the Willow smoke as they instructed him.  Once he reached the edge of the lac.  He kept his eyes on the water, trying to ignore the glistening black monuments.

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