[48] Dragonflight

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Kayla tightened her war belt and opened her backpack one last time, sorting through its contents. Food, blanket, spare journal, ink, quill, rope, candles...she went on digging and going through her mental checklist.

"I'm afraid I don't have a saddle," said Arataas keeping his voice low. "I wasn't planning on a passenger for my return trip."

"I'll be alright," Kayla lied.

Arataas craned his long, golden neck.  "If you're missing anything..."

She slung her backpack over her shoulder.  "Thanks, it's just that I like to be ready for anything is all.  You never know what you'll run into out in the wild." 

Arataas chuckled, his enormous body purred as he held in his laugh.

"Something funny?" Kayla said with a sideways grin.

"No, I just never met a Wizard as...prepared as you are."

Kayla said, "Well, I've gone on many adventures I'll have you know.  I just don't normally go off into the wild alone, not without my friends that is." 

She glanced back at Green Haven, the illusionary mist concealing the Druid Grove from prying eyes.  She missed them already.  "They're always there for me." There's that fear talking again, she thought.  She shook her head.  I'm afraid to go off on my own even when I know my friends are counting on me. 

The sun peeked over the dew laden treetops making them sparkle.  The wind lay still making every noise of the forest sound more intense and made Kayla step and speak quietly.

The Dragon said, "You won't be alone, Kayla.  And anything wanting to harm you will have to go through me."

She smiled to him. "I know.  It just feels different.  Now, how do we do this?"

"You'll have to climb up.  There will be a spot of scales a bit more dull than others.  Bareback, riders normally hold on to a spike."

She nodded, though she knew he couldn't see her.  Being a fair climber, she made it atop his back easily.  His spine came to a shallow ridge-line instead of a flat, or crown and she could straddle it near the dark spot of dull scales.  A row of dense pointed spikes ran down Arataas' back.  Someone cut, or ground down the spike in front of the dull spot.  She imagined that it broke, or perhaps it assisted some kind of weapon system.  This made her move up one spike.  She found herself able to wrap her legs and arms around it comfortably.

Arataas looked back.  "Alright back there?"

Kayla's breath grew shallow and her eyes darted around when Arataas stood up from the ground.  Her grip on the spike tightened.  "Fairly well!" she shouted.  By the gods stop moving, she thought. 

"I'm just going to walk a bit through the forest so you can get used to the movement."

"Alright then."  Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea. 

Arataas started to walk, lumbering at first, then graceful—even more so than Scout.  This isn't so bad.  She smiled, then he broke through to a lake, mirror smooth and shining in the sun.  He picked up speed. 

Oh gods.

"Most Dragonriders are a bit wary their first time up.  Hold on tight!"  His voice crackled like lightning.

She heard one word as the lightning echoed around her.

Fear.  The word echoed in her mind like an incantation. 

Her Masters told of Wizards hitting breaking points in their lives.  Some gained enlightenment.  Chaldon of the Flame lost all of her anger and became the wisest among their Order. 

The Hollow Grove: The Companions [Book 2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora