[16] Stories Around The Campfire

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On the fourth starry night, when it was too dark to travel any further, the companions pitched camp in a shallow cave. The Wizard lit a small campfire and it was in the late hours around the mesmerizing flames that Haygen told Anyu the story of his mother, Selene, and his father, Khave. Of his mother's choice to raise him as her own until his reckoning day and how he learned that she sailed east with her people, so they could avoid further tyranny of the Black Ax clan.

As Haygen spun his yarn, the companions grilled hard-fought meats on sticks and munched on wild plants. Kayla hung her iron pot over the fire and brewed a scavenger tea that tasted of lemon and seemed to liven everyone's weary body. Haygen carved away at his new tracking spear making the appropriate notches as he told his tale. Anyu listened intently to the story stifling a laugh at the Barbarian's need for a measuring stick to track. Otis lent a smile and an ear as he filled his belly with lizard meat. Wess tried very hard not to interrupt as he diligently cleaned dirt and dust out of his tools and weapons.

"A sad ending to your tale, but it seems your childhood with your mother was a fine one," said Anyu.  "How was the Black Ax clan defeated?"

Otis continued the story for he knew it was too painful for Haygen the Wanted. "It was Haygen, Wesley, Kayla, myself, and two others that took to the task."

"What others do you speak of?" Asked Anyu.

Kayla smiled. "One was named Aonghus," she said softly. "A White Knight of Corfé. He was my beloved, and has passed from this world." Her voice cracked but she held her smile and her eyes sparkled with prideful tears.

Anyu's lips parted and brought her hand to them. "I'm sorry, Kayla."

The Elf mouthed a word of thanks and let Otis continue the story.

"The other," said the Dwarf, "was Raymarn, a Man who was once our Blademaster. He was the finest swordsman I ever knew and I've known many let me tell you."

Haygen's thoughts drifted to the long, exhausting hours of training with Raymarn. He turned the Half-orc from a brawler into a true warrior.

Wess chimed in, "Don't forget about the part with-"

"-I'm telling the story for once, Wesley," Otis said. He raised a stubby finger and shook it at the Faeling. "For it was I who chronicled the facts for his majesty."

"For his MAJESTY," mocked Wess. "If you don't get to the exciting parts, and quick, I'm taking over."

Otis let out a long exhale. "Very well." He righted himself and began anew. "It was Aonghus that led the party deep into the Wolf Cry Mountains. He was saddled upon his white horse and donned in the armor of the King's Royal Guard. His cloak of emerald green was made to match his beloved's magical robes. Kayla followed behind on her brown stallion, with Raymarn, Haygen, Wesley and myself as the anchor. The way was secret, but Haygen showed us the paths to the Orc's village."

"Orcs create many tracks to mislead," Haygen clarified to Anyu.

"Quite." Otis spread his hands. "Now we come upon the village and we are immediately set upon by sentries. Big brutes with notched axes-"

"-and bloody jowels!" Wess couldn't help himself.

"There were not bloody jowels, Wesley," said Kayla.

Haygen looked up. "Well, not yet."

Otis said, "The guards were...dispatched."

"Dispatched?" Asked Anyu.

Otis nodded. "I'll explain. Aonghus drew his family greatsword, the giant two-hander dubbed Darkstalker. Only the most noble and brave could wield such a weapon. He smote the first two guards from horseback. Kayla's fire burned through a third. Raymarn drove his longsword through the last and t'was easy for the edge of his blade was the keenest of all blades don't ya know."

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