[45] War Council

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Kayla ran through the mist barrier, its magical force like passing through a warm waterfall. She tore through the wide ferns and tall trees of the Anorach forest until she shattered the silence of the still darkness.

"Arataas?" she cried. "It's only me, Kayla Windshaper. Have no fear." She shook her head at the words. What did a Dragon have to fear?

"Let me help you," she continued. "I...I have your ring." She held out the silver ring in her small open palm still dirty with coal.

"I am here, Kayla," said a deep voice off in the distance.

Kayla fumbled around in the darkness, the trees blocking much of the Turtle's light. Enough, she thought. She searched in her ever-pocket for her blackthorn staff. There. She pulled it free and said the activation word lighting the red crystal to full brightness.


The jagged red crystal came to life and shed the darkness, bringing the forest around her into view. She heard a rustle and snapping of small trees ahead and it drew her forward. At last, she came upon him. Startled, she caught her breath at the sight of the golden Dragon's massive head sunk low to the ground between so many trees. His body lay crouched on the forest floor with his wings folded in tight. His long tail ran behind him off into the shadows.

"Uh...hello," Kayla stammered.

"I'm sorry to have worried you," said Arataas.

"You didn't...that is...you did, but only for a moment," Kayla said. She pulled her silver hair behind her long blue hears.

They sat in uncomfortable silence. Fitarus peeked through the thick leaves of the trees. 

"The stars shine upon our meeting," Kayla said.

The Dragon smiled, keeping his toothy mouth closed. "So they do."

There, she thought, things are fine now. Perfectly fine. What do I say now?

"What brings you to this land...this place no less?" asked the She-elf.

Arataas exhaled through his nose in consideration. "I live in these lands, but I am here on a mission to help the rebellion stop the one we call Kellis Vöhl."

"Yes, that is why I am here too," said Kayla. "Sort of I mean. It didn't start out that way. It just...happened."

"We know," said the gold, "we've been watching. I belong to a sacred order called—"

"Where did you go?" asked Kayla. She suddenly felt bad interrupting a Dragon, but continued. "After that day. I've always wondered."

Arataas said, "Can you give me a moment?"

Kayla nodded. "Of course."

Arataas closed his eyes and his scales began to shrink.

Kayla assumed he started a magical transformation, so she turned to give him some privacy though the Wizard in her very much wanted to watch...strictly for educational purposes.

"Did you still have that ring?" asked Arataas.

Kayla turned and held the ring out. "Here you go."

Arataas took the ring, their warm hands touching once more.

Kayla's almond shaped eyes widened, then she looked to the stars. "Arataas. Your bits are showing."

Arataas, realizing he stood naked, ran off behind a tree and returned in the desert garb of Alden Sal-Moon.

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