[9] Sand, Wind and Fire (Part 1)

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The open sea brought very little wind when a golden sun rose and dispersed the darkness into an array of pink.  Soon, the sky was clear and blue with just whispers of white clouds. 

Haygen removed his leather armor allowing his green skin to breath better in the heat.  He steadily worked his paddle with his massive arms and propelled the companions' lifeboat through the dark water giving his friends a much-needed break.  His shell and bone necklaces rattled against his hairy chest as he moved.  It took his mind off of many things that occupied it:  Anyu, the boat tipping over, food, the boat springing a leak, food, and so on. 

Wess had taken with the notion he could catch a fish.  Though he lost his fishing pole and tackle into the sea, he tried to make do best he could with what he had.  He unraveled some of the rope he had and made a thick fishing line.  He tied it firm around his paddle.  He made a hook from one of his lockpicks and used a bit of Haygen's jerked meat as bait.  So far, he was unsuccessful.  The water was far too deep and his bait was not enticing enough.  He really needed the heavy sinkers that were on the Shady Lady to get the bait lower.

Kayla busied herself with paddling and reading her spellbook.  She tried to find some way of moving the boat faster, but she learned no such spells.  The wrestled with the irony that her surname was "Windshaper" and she could not do much with wind in a controlled way. 

Otis paddled when he could and took breaks when he needed to.  He prayed to Panadae and Vedra and any god that would listen to deliver them safely to land.

For nine moons this monotony went on as they used the sun and the stars to guide them to the eastern lands.  After Haygen's supply of meat was rationed, hunger was starting to get to them.  In order to keep paddling, they would need sustenance soon and Wess was still not having any luck with his fishing rig. 

One evening, though, just as the sun was setting in its blaze of red and purple sky, the wizard spotted something. 

"There," Kayla nearly stood up in the boat.  She pointed straight ahead.  "There, what is that?  Is that a light up ahead, or am I sun sick?  Oh, please tell me I'm still sane."

On the horizon, the light of a fire came into view.    Soon, the outline of palm covered sandy isles were before them. 

"Vigilance, now," Otis reminded them.  Out of habit, he gripped his magical warhammer.  "Stay quiet and keep calm." "We don't know what lurks in these island."

"These must be the Savage Isles," Kayla said.  "Not a large population, but the natives are a warring culture, much like the eastern lands themselves, but on a much smaller scale." 

"I think this is far enough," Otis said.  "Lad, why don't you swim on and take a look." 

"Gladly," said Wess.  He stripped down to his dark trousers, his magic dagger, and his necklace kit.  "Some occupants are starting to smell a bit ripe.  I won't name names, but I don't think I need to."  He stared over at the Half-orc.

"Hey!" Haygen.  "This time it really isn't my fault."

"A likely story," Wess smiled.  "Off I go." 

"Hold on, Wesley," said Kayla.  She plucked one eyelash and blew it his way.  She then whispered an arcane word.  "Shadaliss."  In an instant, the assassin was completely invisible.

"Thanks for that," Wess said.  The boat rocked a bit and as he dove into the water, the slightest sound of a splash could be heard.

"Be careful," Haygen whispered to the sea without a response.


Wesley Whiteknuckle swam silently through the open water in a sidestroke pretending he was one of the big fish he caught what seemed like weeks ago.  Soon, he was able to touch the sandy bottom where he waded as low as he could in the surf keeping an eye for sentries.  He found none and it was easy to move through the beach without making a noise surprised to see many white coastal birds running along the beach in search of an evening meal.  He walked inside the jungle tree line and discovered many large branches lying about on the jungle floor.

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