'The Broken Girls'

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(Bubbles first day part 2-end)

"Hey you ok?" Said bash as he looks at Bratz as she rolled her eyes.
As she looked at bash sure he was handsome but that's not the point he could be a pain sometimes, like one time he had to break up her fights with other people, I mean why is it his problem Bratz thought as she sniffs trying to get rid of her annoying tears, she shrugged.
As bash looked at her and sighed.
"Is this about not letting you fight" bash said as Bratz nodded as she sighed, as bash chuckled.

"Look I'm only doing it for you" He said as Bratz looked at him with disgust,
"Look I'm not your play toy" she said as she turned her face to her other cheek as she sighed she wanted to hit him but she also knew he was only tying to be kind, I sighed as he smiled,
"I just don't want to see you hurt.." bash said as I blushed a bit but sighed and the blushed removed away.
"Look bash, I know you care about me, but life its about experience and right now your taking away freedom" Bratz said as bash just rolled his eyes but kept calm after all he liked Bratz, but sometimes she can be really stubborn when it comes to words.

"Bratz come on" bash said as he sighed as he came a bit closer to Bratz making her trapped but she didn't pull back,
She wanted this comfort, and she kinda liked it.
"Bash what are you doing-" Bratz said as bash reached to her lips and Bratz didn't forfeit it or retreat, she let it happen, bash kissed her lips, as he touched her neck bringing her forward. Bratz kissed him back, she couldn't resist this.
She did had feelings for boomer, but she never got this kind of love from boomer, boomer never deserved it, her despite all she did for him he never noticed her anymore than a best friend.

Bash treated her the opposite to him,
Even though she stopped her fighting he only did it because he cared about her, "Bratz you do love me right?" Bash said as pulled back, making her lips smack together, only making her more kissable then before, I mean before Bratz only thought of him as a annoying friend,
But now that he told her, his feeling it made her feel differently about him,
And she did kinda have this love affection towards him she never treated him like a friend anyways so it didn't make a difference.
She did kinda trust bash more than boomer actually, he was always their when came to fights, so she nodded, she didn't know how to say it in words.

"You mean that right?" He said as bratz rolled her eyes, she hated being asked a million times she like actually doing things she shouldn't Do before asking, but if she did it wouldn't be her.
She kissed his lip and bit it, making his lips bleed.
Bash gasped, "your toxic babe" he said as he laughed as he looked at her, as she smiled evilly, bash always thought she was cute even though she was way out of his league, he only had these feeling for her.
"Well I am a toxic chick but you don't mind that" Bratz asked as bash laughs, not only he didn't mind it he loved it.
He was already guilty being this good go getter boy, and even though Bratz was completely he opposite to him, he loved her for it she was equally beautiful as him which was what made her charming.

Bratz licked her lips, while bash did the same, bash liked Bratz since 4th grade the only thing he hated was boomer he was so jealous of him having Bratz always next to him, they where so close together and he hated it he only wanted Bratz only next to him, but seeing Bratz having feelings for him was amazing, even though they hardly talked to each over.
Bash kissed her neck, as Bratz kissed his cheek slightly, as she grabbed hooked onto to pull bash shirt off.

(Bubbles POV)

'Ack this is incredible!' Bubbles thought as she continue to snap take more pictures she couldn't believe what she saw, Bratz was making out with some other dude that kinda looked like her senpai but her senpai was way cuter than him,
'I thought she loved him, huh? Guess she doesn't, that girl who just called me just wasted her clues on me, I got the biggest surprise for him he will never like her more than a friend or a stranger' bubbles thought as she smirked,
'She's real stupid if she liked my senpai' bubbles thought as she held her camera,

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