Chapter 29 - Rescue

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Once the Pinkerton agent had finished bandaging Colm O'Driscoll's foot, he hog-tied him and stowed him on the back of one of the horses.

"Hey, what about my deal?" He growled.

Agent Williams laughed. "You really thought you had a deal, you're more stupid than you look," he looked at the other two agents. "Get those two stowed as well, we need to head out."

Agent McGregor, shoved Dutch to the ground, and tied his ankles, then man-handled him onto the back of one of the horses. Dutch grunted as his stomach his the back of the horse.

The agent laughed, "This is probably a first for you, Van Der Linde!"

He walked back to Casie, and grabbed hold of her, and pushed her to the floor. As he did, her shirt, lifted slightly, to reveal the scars on her back.

"What the fuck!" The agent exclaimed.

"Is there a problem, Mr. McGregor?" Agent Williams, snarled, as he walked across to where Casie lay.

Agent McGregor, pointed at the new scars on Casie's back.

Agent Williams, stared at her back. He grabbed hold of the base of her shirt and lifted it, to reveal more, of her back, and the scars, left behind by Colm O'Driscoll.

Casie winced, not because they hurt any more, but because, she didn't really want anyone seeing the scars on her back.

Agent Williams, grabbed Casie, roughly by her shoulders, and stood her up. "Who did this?"

Casie, nodded over to where Colm O'Driscoll lay over the back of the agents horse. "He kidnapped me, and beat me half to death," she snarled, "I wish I'd shot him in the head!" She spat.

"Sorry kid, you're still wanted, so I'm gonna have to take you in." He concluded, then looked at Agent McGregor, "Tie her up, and stow her on the back of my horse."

He walked over to where Colm O'Driscoll lay on the other agents horse. He took out his revolver, and smashed the grip, into the outlaw's jaw. Knocking him out cold.

"Ok Gentlemen, lets go, we'll layover in Valentine tonight, until the transport wagon arrives, tomorrow."

Micah, mounted Baylock, "They went to Calibans Seat, its a setup, Pinkertons." he scowled.

Josiah mounted his horse, "May I suggest caution, gentlemen. We don't know how many Pinkertons..."

Before Josiah, had a chance to finish what he was saying, a young lad came running towards the station yelling "They've caught 'em! They've caught 'em!"

"Hey kid," Micah yelled, "Who have they caught?"

The boy stopped to catch his breath, "The Pinkertons are in Valentine, 'n' they've captured Colm O'Driscoll, and Dutch Van Der Linde, they're in Valentine jail house. I gotta send word to St. Denis." The boy ran past, and headed into the station.

Arthur looked at the station, then back towards Valentine. "Guess they're gonna transport 'em tomorrow, which means we gotta break 'em out tonight." He said.

After the short ride, from Calibans Seat, the Pinkerton agents, arrived at the Valentine Jail. Agent Williams, walked into the jail, leaving his two agents, looking after their precious cargo.

"Good morning, Sheriff, my name is Agent Williams of the Pinkerton Detective Agency."

The Sheriff, looked up from his newspaper. "How can I help you." he asked.

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