22| R.E.M.//take you back

191 3 66

Season 1 Episode 22

July 19, 2011

(A/N: cassie does write and sing take you back and r.e.m. yes, mac book first generation came out before 2011. i do my research 😘 it might take me another 2 months to write this. we love my relentless writers block😍)

Cassie's POV

Henry wrapped his arm around my waist as we watched Clueless on his Mac Book Air at 1 am. We cuddled on Henry's queen bed. I'm just in shorts and Henry's hoodie.

Near the end of the movie where Cher realizes that she loves Josh while shopping, I fall asleep in Henry's arms.

His body felt so warm and soft, how could you not fall asleep? Henry kissed my forehead when the movie ended. I assume he closed his laptop, put it on top of his nightstand, and got in bed.

Yes, I am STILL a virgin, and yes, we are sharing a bed. Siren literally is so chill with us having sex, it's starting to freak me out, but I get it. Aunt Siren hasn't had fun sex with Mr. Hart...ever. They have sex to have kids and they have to practice sooooooo.

Again, as I said several weeks ago, by the way that Henry and I make out, nothing about it screams virginity or innocence...well, it shouldn't because it's kissing but according to several people, virgins don't kiss like that. People just assume that we're having sex and yes, it is bullshit.

Charlotte just doesn't ask because she just doesn't wanna know. You know how one of your friends loses their virginity and you ask them a shit ton of questions because you're just curious? Or maybe you just watch porn instead. Well, Char doesn't do that...either of them.

Many people give us strange looks when we walk through the hallway at the beginning of freshman year because we both give off different vibes.

According to various people, I give off a bi vibe. Maybe it's the way that I dress, maybe it's because I have been cuffing my jeans since I was 7 or that I wear eyeliner. Maybe it's the way that I talk or maybe it's the fact that I don't ever get through a single day without cussing at least one time.

C gives off the opposite vibe. She's that innocent smart girl who didn't know what sex was until they turned 13. Am I a bad influence on her? You thought it, I just said it. I can't answer that, though, mostly because I genuinely don't know, ask her and maybe she'll give you a valid answer.

Not even a single second, that I have questioned her sexuality. She is 100 percent straight, I am damn sure. Well, actually, no one is one hundred percent straight because sexuality is fluid.

Her aesthetic is 'the smart girl that's trying to fit in with the straight girls' so you can imagine what her style is. I'm not judging her, I just quoted what she told me.

I gave up on trying to buy her clothes, mostly because Jasper usually helps me with shopping and I don't know how straight sTrAiGhT girls style their sexuali-I mean clothes. Jasper has the best fashion taste.

My thoughts are really random because that's just how my brain works. It's mostly why I forget a lot of my deep thoughts. I have to say it to remember it. I'm a very "off-track" person. If you are talking about a topic, we never stay on that topic.

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