21| it's okay to not be tough but we still are

171 4 34

Season 1 Episode 21

June 27, 2012

(A/N: yes, i am gonna include 2020 slang just bc and i am making cassie wear what i wear, no its not what ppl in 2011 wore but its what we wear now and cassie is ahead of her time 😽. nah bitch i aint making her wear shit that say 'coffee netflix and sleep' on it. i'm just gonna put it out there in case y'all are confused. yes, in THIS STORY, cassie did write and sing fake smile and comfort crowd. she did NOT sing or write daddy issues)

Cassie's POV

You know, I can finally say that my family is crazy. Sure, a dad getting framed for killing his wife is also crazy but that's something I could handle. This however, isn't.

Yeah, I did see James and found out what the fuck happened me because the explanation that I was given was wack.

I guess I could tell you what he told me. Should I? Maybe.... Do y'all wanna know? Yeah, I'll tell you.

HA bitch you thought. Y'all are gonna have to figure that out on your own. Bitch, you thought I was just gonna get your the explanation.

Is that annoying? 100 percent but I waited 5 years, all y'all have to do is just listen to what I say. Damn, I say 'y'all' way too much...

For those of you still questioning my sexuality...same sis. But that's a conversation for another time. Ah yes, my newfound humor after staying in a fucking box for a month and a half. Does it make me love Henry any less? No, fuck no. Oop-

Y'all can just ignore that. I didn't say I love him. You be Hellen Keller if you thought I said I loved Henry. Uh no, very much I did not. What are you talking about? Wrong bitch. No, I didn't tell Henry I love him yet. You bitches be bugging. I say 'bitch' too much...

Anyways, how are you? I'm doing just great...can you see my smile? Yeah, well it's fake. If I just keep it up, will it be real? Maybe. No, it won't. So fake it til you make it, bitch.

Fuck. I look at my reflection in the mirror. Bruh, this is pathetic. I've been talking to my self for the last 30 minutes.

School ended last week and I passed all of my classes so yay me...I think I'm gonna go to UCLA in my junior year but is it really worth it? I don't know. Hopefully a full ride scholarship.

I should just go to the community college and then go to a prestigious law school after I get my bachelor's degree. Why would I waste my money on that? Unless I get a full scholarship, I'm not going to a school that pays 100K every semester.

(A/N: just an fyi, i did not research anything abt ucla mostly bc i live in ny and i'm not going to college that far away. even tho i do love this story, that info abt ucla will be irrelevant asf)

I stroll into Henry's house. I've had a key to his house since I was 10, so I just unlock the door and walk inside.

I see Henry trying to make pasta. I lock the door behind me. "Where's aunt Siren?" I ask Henry as I sit in the counter, facing him.

Siren is Henry's mom. I just call her 'aunt Siren' because that's what I've called her since I was three years old.

"Shopping...like shopping shopping" He answers before giving me a quick kiss. 'Shopping shopping' means the whole damn mall. From groceries to laptops.

Henry turns around and poorly puts the hot watered pasta into a big dry bowl. "Oh, so that's why you're failing at cooking pasta. Fucking pasta. Just pour the damn thing in"

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