':Part Twenty Six - Past. Present. Future

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Please be patient with me!

Love you guys!

B. X


Kimberley's P.O.V.

I sniffled finishing another box of tissues, watching as the credits rolled for Dirty Dancing for the eighth time or was it the ninth. I didn’t know. Hell, I didn’t even know what day it was today.

I slumped back against the base of the bed, looking out of the window to Times Square.

I couldn’t bear to get into bed myself.

The place where Riccardo first made love to me. The place where we planned our wedding. The place where I walked in to find him and Sofia together. The place where his son was conceived.

All those good memories and bad memories wrapped up into one apartment.

And I felt so goddamn empty.

Looking to my left I could see myself in Riccardo’s arms as we tumbled about in a passionate embrace, me dressed in my half of my wedding night underwear along with his boxers. I could see us in bed, tangled in the covers, Rick’s chest smothered in chocolate. I could see us standing by the window, looking out at Times Square, his arms wrapped around me, his head resting on my shoulder. And I could see us in the kitchen, Rick eating chocolate cake and me, sitting on his lap, my head rested in that spot between his shoulder and his neck.

I wanted him. I wanted him more than I’ve ever wanted anything before.

His perfectly chiselled face, his pointy nose, full lips, chocolate brown eyes and his hair. I miss every single bit of him.

When I think about him, my heart beats faster, my stomach feels lighter, the smile on my face is brighter. And he’s mine.

No he’s not.

He’s probably signed the papers by now. It was a mistake drafting them up and sending them to him. I don’t want a divorce. I want to be Kimberley Alonso until my dying day. I want to wake up to find him staring at me with those eyes full of wonder as if he can’t believe that I’m his wife, even after 20 years.  Yeah we make love. A lot. But those are the key words. He loves me and I love him and we love each other and that’s all I care about.

When Cherri was born, it was all complete. Our little family, Cherri, Rick and I. I would have liked to have more children but I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. But Rick never cared. It was always the three of us no matter what.

Cherri Banks.

I laughed. I knew it from Day One.

I remember her coming in from school. Dressed in a Ramones t-shirt, shorts and black plimsolls.

Her eyes were sparkling and she couldn’t stop smiling and that’s when I knew.

That’s how I felt with Rick.

I mentioned Jake’s name and she blushed like crazy.

I was so happy for them. I remember, going to pick up the phone to call Sep and it ringing before I could answer.

“He kissed her!” she squealed

“How did you know?” I asked

“You knew too?” she questioned

“Sep, of course I knew, it’s written all over her face.”

She squealed again, “Oh Kim, he came in and his eyes were all sparkly. I asked how Ri was and he went all red like a tomato. That’s when I knew.”

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