';Part Two - Falling

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Author's Note:

I. Am. So. Sorry! Stressful times so I haven't uploaded. I'll admit this isn't my best chapter, I haven't had long to focus on it, you might call it a writer's block or something, but I promise this will get better!

Thank You for your continued support!

B. X


Cherri's P.O.V.

"--Hold that thought, Case." I said, holding my phone between my ear and my shoulder, "Someone's at the door."

Grabbing my book bag, I headed to the door, yawning as I did so. Mom and Dad had kept me up with their laughter for a good few hours after I usually went to bed. I don't even want to think what they were doing...

“Hey babes!” Casey pulled me into a hug as I closed the front door behind me, “You look AH-MAZ-ING!”

I was wearing a tight bodycon skirt, which of course my dad did not approve of, with a blue denim shirt tied just above my pierced navel.

I had it pierced when I was 16. My dad went a bit crazy about it, but thankfully my mom had managed to eventually convince him, otherwise he probably would have ripped it out with his bare hands.

"So..." Casey smirked knowingly, "Arron tells me Jake was walking you home last night."

My brows furrowed, "Yeah, well duh. Jake walks me home every afternoon. We've always done that."

"I know," she smiled, "But Arron also tells me Jake was talking about how good you looked yesterday. And did you see him? I mean, total sex god!" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

“Case!” I gasped, “Nothing happened!”

She arched a well-plucked eyebrow at me, "Cherri..."

“Nothing!” I reassured her.

“I don’t believe you,” she said, “Ri, I’ve known you for ages. I know when you’re lying...”

“Okay, okay, okay! We kissed, okay, just a tiny kiss. But that’s it, I swear!”

Casey squealed, jumping up and down, "Oh, I knew it! I could just see it written all over your face! I swear, Jake is so hot. If you weren't, I definitely would..."

Casey Alexis Cruz was my best girl friend but she was a bit...generous... especially when it came to totally hot guys. I knew for a fact that she had already lost her virginity. I mean she wore it like a badge.

Today she was wearing a tight flowery jumpsuit, slitted down the middle and large flowery heels to match, she always took advantage of “what her momma gave her.”

“Case!” I exclaimed, hitting her shoulder.

“What?!” she grinned, totally knowing what she had done.

We arrived at school within 20 minutes. Casey insisted on taking the bus because she was too damn lazy to walk herself and she insisted that the wind would mess up her hair.

School today is easily the worst six hours of my life. Latin, Calculus, Double Spanish and AP English.

Kill. Me. Now.

My only saving grace was Double Spanish, which I essentially sailed through like a free period. Being half Puerto Rican sure does have its perks...

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