';Part Twenty Two - Don't Go

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Hello Earthlings!

This is where the DRAMA really happens!!!!

The song on the side is for Kimberley to show how she's feeling! Take a look :)


B. X


Cherri's P.O.V

“Look,” I said, following them all back inside the house, Sofia and Logan going into the dining room, “I think we all need to sit down and talk things through.”

“There’s nothing to discuss Cherri,” Mom said flatly, walking upstairs, “You can come and see me as and when you please. If you like, you can come with me.”

“Mom?” my brows furrowed, “What are you talking about? Where are you going?”

She turned and smiled at me from the first landing, “Why Cherri, what a question! Your father and I are getting a divorce.”

I gasped.

“Kimberley? What do you mean?” Dad asked, looking perplexed

“D-I-V-O-R-C-E. Divorce Riccardo. That’s what I said wasn’t it?”

Dad’s eyes widened, “No Kimberley!” he screamed, “God, Kimberley, no! Please, please don’t do this!”

“I can’t...” she sunk to the step, “Rick... I—I can’t...”

Dad ran up the stairs to her side, engulfing her in his arms, “Shhh, baby, it’s okay... I’ll fix it, I promise I’ll fix it....”

She punched his chest, “You have a son Rick! A damn son! 20 years we’ve been married and you have a son?!”

“Kimberley, I didn’t know I swear!”

“No!” she screeched, “I swore that I’d never stay when you did this Rick and now she pulls this stunt?! I’ll be sending the divorce papers through A.S.A.P. and I will be taking this to court Rick, make no mistake. You keep your son, hey, even get back with your sl*t, a nice little cosy family. Just give me my daughter and my things and I’ll be out of your hair.”

“But I don’t want you to! Please Kimberley, I love you! From that day in the lift, ever since I’ve laid eyes on you I’ve loved you. This is just a mistake Kimberley. Mistakes can be altered.”

Mom pulled away from Dad and slapped him hard across the face, making even me wince from the blow.

“Shoot.” He muttered

His hand cupped his jaw as he moved it up and down trying to ease the pain.

Mom cupped his face in her hands and kissed him.

His hands were up by his sides in an “I surrender” position but they then were around Mom’s back, on her hips. One of her hands was tangled in the base of his hair.

Wait. What happened to divorce?

She collapsed against his chest, sobbing. He kissed her head.

“It’s you Kimberley. It’s you baby, it’s always been you...” He kissed her lips, wiping her tears with his thumbs, “It’s still you and me, no matter what... I love you so much Kimberley, I always have...”

Mom suddenly stood, her fists clenched by her sides. If looks could kill, Dad would be dead.

“We’ll talk about this later Riccardo.” She hissed through gritted teeth, before storming upstairs.

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