';Part Seven- Do You?

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So, I was totally unfair leaving the last chapter on a cliffhanger like that!!!

Anyway, here's the next chapter, hope you enjoy!

B. X


Cherri's P.O.V.

My mother screamed, a high-pitched deafening scream.

Her fists were pummelling against my dad's chest and she was yelling and crying, shouting and cursing.

She tore out of the room sobbing, up the stairs but Dad ran after her grabbing her waist and pulling her towards him.

She was screaming at him to release her but he refused. She kicked and screamed and screeched angrily but Dad was too strong. Eventually she gave up and collapsed against his chest.

"Rick, you promised! You promised, Rick, you promised!" she wept uncontrollably

They were sitting on the stairs now, Mom's mascara running down his shirt. His hands were around her waist, rocking her back and forth.

"Shhh...." he soothed, stroking her hair, "Kimberley, she had to know. There's no way we're having her around that boy and that..." Dad swallowed, "His f-father. She had to know. She had to."

"NO!" Mom screamed, "No one had to know about this! No one Rick! Let alone Cherri!"

I sat there, my eyes wide in awe. Nate's father was a r*pist? Not only that, but he r*ped Mom? Mom had been abused like that? By Nate's father? But how? He looked so innocent, so sweet, such a family man in the photo...

Mom was still crying but Dad rocked her in his arms, soothing her, whispering in her ear.

I rushed out into the hall, wiping the tears away from my eyes. How could I bring that guy back into Mom's life? What had I done? How could this be possible?

I had so many damn questions!


My dad placed a finger over his lips, "Not now Princess." He mouthed

I grabbed my coat and shoved it on. Dad couldn't protest, he was too busy comforting Mom. I wonder what it was like when Dad found out. He must have beaten the crap out of that guy...

I ran as fast as I could down the street, the tears spilling down my face. Nate's dad r*ped Mom? What?

They must've known each other. That's why Dad asked to see the photo. Dad said everyone knew each other in the world of law, as he called it. Why had I never heard of this guy? This...this...monster who could do something like that to my mother? Why had no one told me about it? Why hadn't Mom said?

I could imagine how angry Dad was. He would have flipped out. I just know it. 

The thought popped into my mind and I was surprised Dad wasn't doing time for murder. 

Knock Knock.

The door slowly creaked open...

"Hello Cherri!" he smiled, "Would you like a lick of my lollipop?"

Chase stood in his Power Rangers pyjamas with a red lollipop stuck into his sticky mouth.

He pulled it out of his mouth and it was covered in fluff.


"Hello Sweets. Isn't it past your bedtime? And what did I tell you about answering the door?" I picked him up and spun him around and around, slyly wiping the tears away from my eyes.

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