part 39

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***Kelly's POV***


It was the longest three hours of my life as I paced back and forth in front of the emergency room’s door. Daniel damaged Dweight’s artery that leads to his heart and it was touch and go as they rushed him in to surgery. I couldn’t think of anything other than the man lying on that hospital bed.

‘Kelly…’ I turned and Hillary was standing there holding a blanket in her hands. I hugged her and started crying again although I didn’t think it was physically possible to cry any more than I already had. She pulled away from me and the concern in her eyes had me look away.

‘Dear, you look terrible. The doctors told me you refused treatment.’

‘The only thing that matters is that Dweight gets better. How’s Bonny?’

‘She’s almost completely healed physically but it’ll take a while for her to get over this one.’ She saw my eyes brimming with fresh tears and then quickly added, ‘She’s a tough girl so she’ll be just fine.’

‘Sean’s sister, is she alive?’ Hillary smiled and looked at someone down the hall. I followed her eyes and saw Liam leaning against a door.

‘They won’t let him go in because he’s not family but he won’t leave her door. She’s in ICU with quite a few broken bones and she needs a constant supply of oxygen until her body heals but she’ll make a full recovery.’ It took me a few seconds to process what she was saying and then a small smile tugged at my lips.

‘Liam found his mate?’ Hillary grinned again and nodded

‘He knew the instant he saw her face when they were moving her out of that house.’ I looked at him again and knew that they both deserved someone special and that's exactly what they got. Life worked in mysterious ways and I guess if I hadn’t married Daniel and if he didn’t treat me the way he did then I never would have run away and I wouldn’t have met Dweight. That also means I wouldn’t have gone back and Liam would probably never have met Sean’s sister.

‘What’s her name?’

‘Oh, Sean says her name is Amber.’ I smiled

‘That’s a pretty name.’ She laughed and nodded in agreement.

‘You need to get that hand checked Kelly.’ I looked down and realized that I was cradling the wrist that I broke. In all honesty I was a bit too numb to feel anything other than worry for Dweight. I should have killed Daniel.

‘Where is Daniel?’

‘They have him sedated and locked up until we can remove that mark.’

‘Did you find out how to remove it?’

‘Uh yes but we’ll talk about it later. In the mean time, please get your injuries looked at.’ I nodded and she left to go talk to Liam.

The swinging doors to the theatre opened and a doctor came out.

‘We have him stabilised and we think with a lot of rest he’ll be fine. I think he was quite lucky that the blade missed his heart.’

‘Thank you so much doctor, may I please go see him now?’

‘Yes but don’t stay too long because he needs his rest.’ I nodded and then quickly went through the doors the doctor pointed at.

My heart beat faster as I walked into his room and even his smell had all my nerves stand on end.

My wolf purred because she knew this was our mate and there was nothing standing in our way now. Daniel was worried about our union because it would strengthen Dweight’s Pack which was why he took me as a wife and I couldn’t help but smile. Daniel didn’t think I was weak…He was afraid of my strength.

There was a chair next to Dweight’s bed and I pulled it closer and gently wormed my good hand into his. The heart rate monitors signalling faint beeps that seemed to echo in the room. I looked around the white walled room, took a deep breath and looked back at my mate.

Dweight looked so peaceful with his eyes closed but I really wanted him to open those beautiful, soul capturing silver eyes and smile at me like I am the only thing on Earth for him.

I cleared my throat hoping he could hear what I was about to say.

‘Dweight, I may not know you that long but my soul has known you since the beginning of time. In this life and the next, you will always be my other half. Your half is not anything less than perfect but mine is incomplete without yours.’ A smile claimed my lips

‘You told me that I was important to you and I knew you meant to say something a little more complex than that. The thing is…I told you that you were important to me too but I meant to say something a little more complex as well. You’re my mate Dweight. I love you and even after all I have been through and I don’t trust easily, I know I can lay my heart in your hands,’ I gently squeezed his hand, ‘and you will keep it safe.’ I swallowed the lump in my throat, leaned down and kissed his hand.

‘I love you too.’ A voice rasped and I looked up to see those gorgeous silver eyes sparkle at me as a smile claimed his lips.

‘You’re my mate Kelly.’ He grinned and my heart fluttered in my chest

‘And you’re my mate Dweight.’ His heart rate monitor sped up and my smile broadened.

We were gonna be ok.

I just knew it.

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