part 23

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***Kelly's POV***

‘I married my mate many years ago.’ I smiled knowing how special that was

‘As you know, we are spread out all over the world and very few of us meet our true mates and those that don’t usually marry someone they find companionship with and could raise young ones with.’ I nodded.

‘I was extremely lucky to have met my Harry.’ She smiled and then the smile faded.

‘Harry was killed in an attack for territory a few years ago and we were never able to have a child which is why I practically adopted Dweight.’ I waited as she took a breath.

‘Has anyone ever explained what it would be like when you meet your mate?’ I shook my head.

‘Father told me it’s the best experience you could ever have and you would do anything to protect them. To lose them is to…’ I cut off realizing that if I finished that sentence it might hurt her a lot.

‘Your father had a true Mate and she died when you were quite young as I understand it.’ I nodded again wondering where this was going.

‘What your father didn’t tell you was that your mother knew who your mate was and she was really good friends with his mother too before she died. Your mother told Daniel’s father that you had a mate.’ I felt the hair on the back of my neck start to prickle

‘Shortly after, your mother died in an accident and her friend died in a so called rogue attack. Your mother’s friend told me very proudly who her son’s Mate was just one day before her death and even though I suspected it wasn’t just a random attack, I couldn’t prove it and I hadn’t spoken about it since. Oh sure, I have pushed him to meet his true Mate but it wasn’t the right time and then she got married when he was finally ready.’ I frowned

‘So why are you telling me this?’ She chuckled and met my eyes.

‘My dear, do you not know who the boy was?’ I shook my head and then slowed

‘Dweight?’ My voice was a shaky whisper and I looked up to see her nodding.

‘That can’t be true. My mate died.’ I shook my head not being able to accept this information

‘Kelly, you are his true mate.’

‘That’s not true!’ She clucked her tongue at me in exasperation

‘I am telling you the truth Kelly. The first time you look into your mates eyes, you feel drawn to them like they are the very thing that is keeping you rooted to the ground.’ My heart thudded loudly in my chest. Had I not felt attracted to Dweight? Had I not felt like I didn’t want to leave or be away from him?

‘You stare at him and you want to please him, I’ve seen it.’ I shook my head again

‘It’s a bad habit of mine to want men that have no interest in me and to want to do anything to please them.’ A shudder ran through my whole body thinking about everything I did for Daniel and how much it hurt me in the process.

I touched the mark on my shoulder remembering our wedding night when he gave it to me. It hurt like hell.

‘I can tell it was painful when Daniel marked you. Do you know why?’ I shook my head.

‘Isn’t it always like that?’

‘Oh goodness no! Being taken by your true Mate is like heavenly bliss. You not only love the marking but you're constantly on cloud9 whenever you think about it. Daniel’s mark hurt because your wolf knew you had a true Mate and Daniel was not him.’

‘It can’t be.’ I looked at the door again and tears filled my eyes.

‘It is. He didn’t know and I would appreciate it if you didn’t tell him any of this because he would never forgive me.’ I looked at her, nodded and wiped my eyes with my sleeve.

It hurt knowing my father lied to me. A new rage surged through my veins and I knew with a certainty that if I saw my father again, I’d kill him.

A knock at the door has us both look up and Liam poked his head in with his eyes closed.

‘Is it safe?’ Hillary laughed

‘Yes Liam, what is it?’

‘Dweight went for a patrol run and he asked me to escort you two ladies to the dinner hall for a treat.’

Hillary squealed and jumped up obviously loving surprises as she dragged me out of the bathroom.

I just wanted to be left alone with my thoughts but with Hillary around, there was no chance of that happening.

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