Part 42

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 ***Kelly’s POV***

My head was swimming and it felt like I was constantly rocking back and forth. My stomach lurched and I had to swallow back the bile building up in my throat.

I slowly opened my eyes and caught movement to my right. A man I’d never seen before thumped a man dressed in a white coat on the back and cheered. Dr. Keembry?

‘We sure stuck it to that dude!’ A bout of laughter split my skull in two and I clenched my eyes again but quickly opened them as the doctor clucked his tongue.

‘He’ll kill us, you know that right?’

‘Oh I’d like to see him try.’ The man chuckled again and sat back lighting a cigarette.

‘Do you mind?’ The doctor snapped and the man just grinned showcasing perfectly straight white teeth.

‘That dude as you call him is an Alpha, of the strongest Pack this side of the equator and that girl right there is his mate.’ Smiley looked at me but I knew from the angle I was positioned, he couldn’t see if I was awake or not.

‘Is that so?’ He stood up from his seat and hunched over leaning toward me.

‘She’s hot for a mated bitch.’ He ran his hand down my neck and I had to do everything in my power not to rip his hand off and feed it to him like a treat.

I took a slow but deep breath and knew Smiley was human but the Doctor wasn’t. He was definitely a wolf. The doctor slapped his hand away and muttered something along the lines of hairless apes and I almost smiled. That was a derogatory term used by wolves to describe pathetic humans.

They started arguing about something stupid so I tuned them out and tried to find out where I was.

From the movement I knew I was in a van of some kind and from the smell emanating from the front of the van, there was one wolf in the driver’s seat and one wolf in the passenger seat.

‘Do you think we shot him?’ My body tensed at that question

‘I doubt it. He’s faster than you think.’

‘I’m a good shot.’ He boasted

‘No doubt that’s why you’re on the payroll Duke.’ The doctor replied in a bored tone which seemed to be irking Duke (formerly known as smiley)

‘I can shoot you before you get a chance to blink Marcus.’ I risked a peep and saw Duke aim his hand gun at Marcus’ face but he barely moved.

‘Go play with something else Duke, I’m busy. You don’t want to upset your pay check. ’ Duke lowered his gun and made his way over to the driver and his companion.

‘Can you believe this guy? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was afraid of the boss.’ The guy in the passenger seat turned around and said seriously: ‘You would be too if you got on Keegan’s wrong side.’

Keegan? Oh shit…

‘He doesn’t look that scary to me.’ Duke muttered but of course the wolves heard him

‘Don’t let him hear you say that.’ The driver said and Duke sighed

‘You creatures and your hearing.’ This human knew more about us than I cared for

‘Let’s stop to get something to eat.’ The passenger suggested and the driver agreed.

This was my chance. My body started aching but I suppressed it. The instinct to change was overwhelming as the van rumbled once and then stopped.

Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum got out and opened the back door for Duke to get out and they chatted about some kind of a gun as they walked away. I could smell Burger King in the air and a whiff of trash drifted toward the van as the wind whipped through the parking lot.

The door was still open and I knew it was to my right. The fake doctor (Marcus) was still busy writing some things down so I braced myself and right as I tensed my muscles to make a run for it a voice cut into my thoughts.

Kelly? Are you there?’ I felt my eyes prickle with tears and my heart nearly hopped out of my chest.

Dweight I’m here. Are you ok?’ He mentally scoffed and I pictured him smiling

I’m fine, are you ok? Where are you?

Burger King parking lot. I woke up in a van but they don’t know I’m awake yet.

Stay put baby, I don’t want them to hurt you.’ I mentally snorted. Hurt? They can’t be worse than Daniel. Dweight caught onto my thoughts and growled

I’m serious Kelly. Stay there until I can figure out a way to track these bastards and find out what they want with-.

Keegan sent them to kidnap me.’ There was silence and I itched to be out of the van and away from these assholes.


I’m here.’ He growled again

Liam says Keegan disappeared after he came up to search for me. Why would he want you though?’ I didn’t want to think about that one too closely. Keegan used to participate on the really bad days of abuse from Daniel and I could only imagine him wanting to finish the job to avenge his Alpha.

Dweight I’m going to go for it.

‘Kelly, don’t you dare!’ He snarled but I ignored him

I love you.’ I whispered and then cut the link.

A slow deep breath filled my lungs and the smell of beef made my stomach gurgle a little bit when I suddenly lifted my legs, flung my body forward landing on my feet and jumped out of the door in seconds. Marcus gasped and tried to grab me but I snatched his wrist with my right hand and used his forward momentum against him, flinging him out of the van. I found the crunch of his nose quite satisfying as he landed face first on the tarmac but I didn’t wait to see if he would get up. I bolted across the parking lot and across the street without looking, into another parking lot and ducked down a side street. My legs were burning from the sudden jolt of adrenaline but I pushed them harder knowing that if they caught me now, I’d be in for a real treat.

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