part 20

52 4 1

***Kelly's POV***

I sat there trembling as he closed the door behind him. The crushing feeling of hurt and rejection weighed heavily on me and it was almost worse than anything Daniel had ever done to me.

Rejection wasn't something a strong wolf took in stride and I was weaker than most.

I had to get out of here.

Hopping off of the counter I donned the trousers and top that Andrea made and walked out.

The fresh air and the laughter coming from the kitchen made me feel a little better but the hurt was still like a brick to the chest.

I was just about to walk toward the kitchen when I heard a growl coming from the forest. Whirling I squinted but couldn't see anything in the dark trees just beyond the house so I stood there for a few minutes steeling myself for whatever could pounce but nothing happened.

You're losing it Kelly. I sighed knowing this might be true but the second I turned my back something bit into my leg, dragging me back into the thicket.

I screamed and dug my nails into the ground only causing grooves before I caught onto a tree root which in turn caused the wolf's teeth to release my leg.

I turned to see a filthy wolf growling at me; my blood dripping from his muzzle and snapping his teeth at me in agitation.

'What the hell do you want!' I shouted at him pulling myself a few feet away from him. At least this way if he lunged at me again, the tree would be in his way.

'I've been sent to either collect you or kill you.' He snarled in my head.

'You're a bounty hunter?' My voice barely above a whisper. Who would...

'Daniel...' I breathed, a tremor running through me at the thought of Daniel wanting me dead. Captured sure but dead?!

'It's been proving easier to kill you so hold still.' He growled and flung himself at me but I rolled to the side and almost grinned at the sound of his head colliding with the tree.

I couldn't fight like this.

I got down on all fours and felt my body explode into my wolf form, ripping my new clothes.

My fingers now claws dug into the same rifts as before and I felt like a rabid dog backed into a corner. If Daniel wanted me to go down again, it won't be without a fight.

'It won't take long bitch.' He growled and lunged at me again but this time I met his attack.

He grazed my shoulder but I snapped my teeth like a knife through butter into his hind leg.

Howling he scratched and snapped at me and I let go avoiding toe nails to the face but I went for him again, snapping my teeth, nipping and continued biting him in a small succession of attacks.

He growled louder with each bite and tried going for my neck but I danced out of the way knowing he would try again.

'I'll kill you!' He shouted through the voluntary link again and I felt something in me snap.

Daniel used to shout those very words at me. Every time we fought, he got angrier.

I felt a horrible anger that I never even knew I had bubble to the surface like a volcano about to erupt and I let it flow over.

A vicious snarl ripped from my lips and I bared my teeth at him whilst raising my shoulders and plastering my ears to my skull.

I was sick of being weak. Sick of being pushed around by assholes and so sick of getting hurt.

He must have seen something in me change because he seemed confused but still growled uncertainly in challenge.

I tapped my teeth together in agitation

‘Bring it on asshole.’ I snarled at him

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