part 37

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  ***Dweight's POV***

We were about half way through Daniel’s territory when I heard footfalls coming toward us.

‘Halt!’ I snapped and everyone stopped, ready for action.

I trotted forward and stood behind a tree, waiting for them to pass me and then a lone wolf sprinted past me. I jumped on top of it and it fought back, biting into my shoulder and I snarled nipping at its throat.

‘No Alpha that’s Bonny!’ A shrill voice cut through my head and I immediately rolled over scratching my ears trying to stop the ringing in them.

‘Mommy!’ The young femme cried and ran to her mother. I looked around and my heart sank. Kelly...

‘Where’s Kelly?’ I snapped and Bonny shrank away from me without answer

‘She’s my mate Bonny, where is she?’

‘She pushed me out of a window. Daniel caught us just as we were about to get out.’ My rage boiled over and I howled, my entire Pack joining in and before I knew it I was sprinting as fast as I could toward their Pack house. Snarls erupted all around me as several wolves jumped me and I fought, snarling and snapping teeth to the top of the pile when my Pack caught up and dragged them off of me.

More wolves came running out of the thick forest and they were quickly met head on but I only had eyes for one thing; the front door.

I charged up the steps, ducked my head and smashed through the front door, splintering it into tiny shreds.

‘Dweight!’ Her scream made my heart stop and just as I turned in the direction of the stairs I was barrelled to the side by a heavy weight that knocked the wind out of me.

It took a second to realize what happened and I shook myself, stood up only to be knocked to the ground again, sliding toward the wall on the wooden floor and smashed a hole in the drywall.

I snarled and jumped to my feet in time to see a large black and white wolf charge at me. I side stepped and watched him barrel right through the dry wall into what looked like a mess hall. He snarled at me and charged again.

‘Dweight!’ Kelly’s blood curdling scream turned my head and I heard the crack before I felt it as the black and white wolf collided with my chest. I snapped my teeth at him but he jumped out of the way. My front legs gave in and I fell onto my side panting and tasting blood.

‘Your death will be so satisfying.’ He spat and scraped a bit of the wood chips out of his way.

‘You better not have hurt Kelly.’ I grunted and sat upright on shaky legs and took stock of the damage. My shoulder bone was definitely shattered and a few ribs too.

‘What if I did?’ He sneered and I roared clacking my teeth together.

‘I’ll kill you.’

‘She makes the cutest face when you hit her.’ He chuckled

‘The way her sweet lips make a surprised O when the pain becomes too much to bare.’ I growled and flung myself at him catching him off guard and knocked him to the ground.

Another scream had me jump off of this asshole and run up the stairs. He was about to follow when a grey wolf ploughed the black and white wolf straight through another wall.

‘I’ve got this! Go get Kelly!’ Liam shouted through our link and I bolted up the stairs never more thankful to have him as my Beta.

I rounded the corner and Daniel turned to face me. Behind him Kelly was tied to the bed post and she was bleeding quite badly. The cuts on her arms and neck as well as bruises on her face had my wolf in such a state that I wanted to rip his throat out.

‘Dweight!’ Kelly gasped and tried a smile but she coughed, blood dripping from her mouth.

‘I’ll kill you.’ My whole body shook and deep inside me something snapped. Something about the way that Kelly was hurt by a man that was supposed to love her made my wolf shudder with rage.

‘I’ll kill you!’ I lunged at him and he grabbed the fur on my neck to keep my teeth away from his throat. I scratched and clawed at him and tried to get that little bit further but the more I scratched the more Kelly cried. I risked a glance and saw her writhing in pain, tears streaming down her face and I realized what I was doing. The second I stopped she sobbed and slumped panting still tied to the bedpost. Daniel was huffing and coughing drenched in blood on the floor where I left him and he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

‘Kelly? Kelly baby are you ok?’ I tried our personal link but all she did was sob. It took her a few seconds to calm down and I knew I had to phase back to untie her hands. I lay down at her feet and stared at my paws, watching them elongate and turn into fingers and within a minute I rolled to my feet still dizzy from the change and started peeling off the duct tape from her wrists. She didn’t even wince as it pulled at her skin and the second she was free she flung her arms around me.

‘I thought they were going to kill you.’ She cried.

‘I thought I’d never see you again.’

‘Shhhh, Kelly I’m here. I’ll never let them hurt you again.’ She sobbed and held on tighter

‘I have to tell you something.’

‘We can talk when we get back home.’

‘No, I need to- Look out!’ I turned and it took me a second to realize that the thing sticking out of my chest was a knife. A blur passed my face, followed by a loud thud and the next thing I knew Daniel was on the floor and not moving.

I must have blacked out because I blinked and then I was lying on the floor with Kelly cradling my head.

‘Stay with me Dweight!’ She screamed at me

‘Someone help!’ She screamed again and again

I blinked again and Liam was in the room along with a few other men I didn’t recognise. He was giving them orders and Kelly had her head pressed to my shoulder whispering and rocking back and forth.

I had another slow blink and then nothing

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