part 10

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***Kelly's POV***

A knock at the door woke me this time and I groggily got up padding over to the door and opened it a bit. Hillary was outside with a tray filled with croissants, pancakes, coffee and all of the extra trims. I hurriedly got out of her way and blushed when I realized that I lost my trousers somewhere in the bedding. I quickly jogged over and retrieved them just as Hillary said in a shocked voice, 'Alpha Dweight! What on Earth are you doing here?' Dweight bolted upright and fell off of the sofa landing with a loud thud. I flushed a bright red as I realized that I padded past him and jogged back without pants on!

'Morning Hillary, are those your famous croissants?' He said with a grin and got up to resume his seat on the sofa.

'Yes sir but why were you sleeping on the couch?' She looked at him questioningly.

'I couldn't very well sleep next to her, now could I?' He pointed at me and then realized that I was staring at him.

'Oh, I'm sorry. Good morning Kelly.' He flashed white teeth at me and the silver in his eyes seemed to melt as he took in my barely clad body. The PJ's Hillary gave me last night left nothing to the imagination and I quickly grabbed a pillow to cover myself up.

'Would you like us to leave you alone?' Hillary smiled politely but he shook his head

'Sit woman, have some breakfast with us and then we can discuss why you haven't made these in such a long time.' Dweight reached over, grabbed a croissant and shoved half of it in his mouth. He gave me one look, stopped chewing and then grinned. 'My manners.' He muttered around a mouth full.

'Would you like some?' He held out the other half to me and I thought he looked so cute with his mussed up hair and the crumbs stuck to his lips. I chuckled and then a few seconds later I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt.

Another laughter joined in and after a few minutes I wiped my eyes only to see Dweight having to do the same. Hillary smiled at us and then set the tray down. 'I just remembered that I have scone in the oven.' She winked at me and then quickly slipped out of the room.

'I uh...' I twiddled my thumbs in front of the pillow as I turned to look at Dweight.

'Did you sleep well?' Dweight asked as he leaned over and fixed two cups of coffee

'Oh, yes I did thank you.' I looked back at the stacked pillows and wondered when I had moved them

'I quite like my blanket but it looks like you prefer the throw.' My mouth popped open and it felt like my eyes were going to pop out of my head

'This...this this...' I stuttered

'This?' He arched a brow and his silver eyes looked at me with amusement.

'This is your bed?' I whispered.

'Yes.' He nodded and patted the couch, motioning me to sit down

'I am so sorry!' I nearly stumbled over my own feet as I quickly grabbed the PJ bottoms off of the bed and put them on before I started straightening the pillows.

'I had no idea that this was your room...' Dweight got up and grabbed my hands as I reached for the last pillow. I instantly shrank away and closed my eyes, waiting for the blow that never came.

'What's wrong?' His voice sounded confused and then a shudder reverberated all over his body.

'I'm not going to hit you Kelly.' I looked up, tears brimming my eyes and threatening to pool over very aware that he was still holding my hands.

'I'm sorry-'

'Stop apologising!' He growled and I flinched jerking my hands away from him.

'Sorry.' I muttered, my voice barely audible

His eyes, the molten silver softened and he took a step closer to me, his hand reached out but I didn't move this time as he gently cupped my face, forcing me to look up at him as a tingling sensation spread wherever our skin touched. He was at least a head taller than I am and I had to arch my neck to look into his now soft silver eyes.

'It makes me so angry...' He cut himself off and closed his eyes before taking a steadying breath.

'I don't-' his voice cut off when a ferocious snarl ripped through the air and we whirled around in time to see the bedroom door splinter into hundreds of pieces.

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