Part 19

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 ***Dweight's POV***

I was aching for her. It's been so long since I’ve even touched a woman. Losing interest in sex the day I devoted myself to my Pack after we nearly lost a few good men.

I was piping hard and her skin was so soft and warm after my cold shower. With every grind she'd make a sexy noise in the back of her throat that drove me crazy. If I didn't take her now then I was going to lose it.

Her actions showed me that she was ready and I started kissing her down, across her soft peach coloured cheek and to her ear, gently nipping her earlobe before kissing down to the soft part in the crook of her neck when it felt like a bucket of cold water was dumped on my head.

I jumped away from her horrified by what I had almost done to her.

The clear mark of that Mutt Daniel was a raised scar in that very crook and it was the wake-up call I needed. This was a mistake. This was a terrible mistake.

'Dweight...' She was panting with the oddest look of confusion marred with pain crossing her face and I quickly rubbed my eyes as an excuse to look away

'I'm...Kelly I'm sorry.' My breath caught in my throat and I felt a lump form there so I quickly left, closing the bathroom door behind me and retreated to my room.

What the hell were you thinking?! You could have caused her so much pain you idiot! How can you call her your mate and get ready to take her if she belongs to someone else? This could have destroyed you both! I growled at myself and flung the cupboard door open, grabbed a pair of jeans, boxers, slip on shoes and a T-shirt before slamming it and getting dressed in record time.

'Shit!' I yelled, kicked and punched at the air before I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my still wet hair.

I want her so badly. I want her to be my wife. To be treated with respect and to sleep next to me. To kiss me when we wake up with her cuddled in my arms.

I needed to talk to someone about this.

I need to know how to remove that mark.

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