part 22

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***Kelly's POV***

The water was getting cold now but I didn’t want to move.

I kept seeing the body at my feet. The fury I was engulfed in earlier now doused with horror and self pity.

It was official; my life-long thoughts now confirmed…Daniel didn’t want me and would rather I was dead than out of his sight. Even after all of the physical abuse, the cheating and the emotional abuse, this was both the worst and the best feeling.

The worst part of your emotional state in a situation like this is that you are rock bottom and can’t go any lower.

The best part is that the only way to go now is up.

I could hear voices arguing outside and a woman’s voice scolded the equally loud male voice and I couldn’t help but realize that Hillary was having a go at her Alpha without backing down.

A loud bang sounded and I nearly jumped out of my skin. A little on edge I felt my wolf bristle for another fight, ready to defend us.

There was a slight knock on the door and I was half way out of the tub when Hillary poked her head into the bathroom

‘Can I come in dear?’ I nodded after a pause and sank back into the bath. I was just glad that it wasn’t Dweight. I wasn’t sure what he would do now. He might tell me to leave because I was posing a threat to his Pack’s safety.

‘I brought you some more clothes.’ She held a small bundle out with a pale blue tracksuit and grey sneakers.

‘I’m sorry about the other clothes, I-’

‘Don’t be silly dear. That was an accident and I would much rather pick up tattered clothing than pick up a tattered you.’ She smiled and sat down on the closed loo lid. It was quiet as I stared at my toes and I knew there was a reason that she came in here.

‘Kelly, would you like to tell me how you came to be married to Daniel?’ I arched my brows. Of all the things I thought she might have asked, that wasn’t even on the short list.

‘My…my father knew Daniel’s father for many years and they always thought they should merge their Pack’s to make it stronger.’ I shrugged knowing that was the real reason and then sighed.

‘Daniel was such a sweet man when I first met him.’ Hillary didn’t laugh or react as I spoke.

‘He courted me and after a few months he asked me to marry him. Father was so proud and I liked Daniel but I wanted to wait for my true Mate.’ Hillary nodded. This was what most wolves waited for but a very few ever found their mates.

‘So why did you end up going through with it?’ I flushed

‘My father told me that I met my true Mate when I was very little but he died.’ Hillary made a sound of disgust in her throat and I looked at her.

‘Your father, wasn’t supposed to tell you something like that.’ I bit my lip wondering why he shouldn’t have

‘Lucas Thorpe.’ She said my father’s name with disgust and then picked up a big fluffy towel for me, motioning for me to get out now. As I stood, she wrapped the towel around me.

‘Your mate isn’t dead dear.’ I whirled to face her and nearly tumbled out of the bath.

‘How do you know?’

‘Dry off and then I’ll explain something to you.’ I did as I was told as quickly as possible and then dressed in the clothes that she handed me. When I was done I sat on the side of the bath and waited patiently.

Her smooth face was worried and her eyes were far away

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