Part 13

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 ***Dweight's POV***

I tried everything! I tried threatening, shouting a command through a link and even growled viciously trying to get him to let her go.When I realized that he wasn't intending to leave her alone I let go of his leg and jumped up, biting his neck, scratching and growling, clawing ferociously at the bastards face but he was relentless!

She was screaming... Her agony was my own and I never felt so helpless in my entire life. I couldn't drag him away or rip him off of her because he could completely remove her arm. Just as it looked like he was letting go, he snapped his teeth over an unmarred piece of her arm, her scream drove me over the edge. I saw blood -literally- and I didn't give a flying fuck about keeping him alive for questioning like we usually would. I went straight for the kill, clamping my teeth onto his jugular and applied as must force as I possibly could. I heard as well as felt the crunch of bones, blood spilling into my mouth as his head dropped at his side and Kelly snatched her arm away backing into the corner of the room and cried. My heart ripped into a thousand pieces at the sight of her in pain and I quickly phased back.

I scrambled over to her and' fell to my knees, cradling her head to my chest but she resisted pushing me away.

' no no...' She howled and laid down cradling her hand to her chest.

'Please Kelly, let me help you.' My voice broke at the quiet plea and she shook her head.

'I'm fine...' She chanted over and over. Her arm was still bleeding a lot so I got up and ran over to the closet and grabbed a towel that I kept in there and rushed back to her to gently place it over the wound to stop the bleeding -to my surprise, she let me-. I looked up and growled just as another grey wolf came rushing in but I quickly realized that it was Liam. He was covered in blood and his eyes were wild as he took in the scene of the dead wolf, me stark naked and Kelly covered in blood and crying in the corner of my room.

'What the hell is going on?' I snarled at him and Kelly flinched

'There were about 20 rogues that came from the North. They jumped us on patrol just as Calan told us you were in trouble.' He bared his teeth, 'Those fuckers got what was coming but we took a little longer to finish them off. A few got away but it seemed like they were just keeping us busy and now I see why.' He looked at Kelly pointedly and I growled.

'Are you saying the rogues were here to kill her?' He looked me right in the eye and if I didn't hold Kelly's battered arm in my hand I would have ripped him to shreds for the challenging gesture.

'I'm saying that they weren't here for you Alpha.' I looked back at Kelly as she looked from me to Liam with a bewildered expression. I didn't open the link to her so she was probably wondering what we were discussing.

'Are there any casualties?' I asked out loud and Liam snorted. 'Calan has a few broken ribs but that's the worst of it.' I nodded and then told him to get the medic in here ASAP. He nodded and ran out, probably to phase and tend to the injured himself. Every wolf on guard patrol has had first aid training for obvious reasons. If you're out there and your Pack member is hurt and about to die without intervention then you'll need to know how to help.

Kelly was silent and when I looked back at her, her tears have all but dried as she stared at me with wide eyes.

'Are you ok?' She mulled that over for a moment and then nodded

'I'm not hurting you am I?' I lifted the towel and surveyed the damage the bastard caused but regretted it as soon as I saw it. It was much worse than I thought; her skin was torn all over her fore arm and at some places it was right to the bone, blood seeping into the white towel like a faucet had been turned on-. I gasped and put the towel back applying pressure and shouted 'Where's that medic!' She chuckled softly, drawing my attention back to her.

'I've had worse.' Her green eyes looked so far away, possibly picturing whatever she classified as worse and then shuddered before looking back at me.

'Daniel?' I ground out through my teeth and she flushed nodding once and then looked away. I was about to comment when three of our medical staff came running in with first aid boxes. One had already taken a very large syringe out and the other was prepping her arm with an alcoholic swab.

They were very efficient and although Kelly didn't seem to like the attention, she was quiet and cooperative through it all.

She's a fighter, I thought to myself with a small smile.
My beautiful fighter.

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