part 14

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***Kelly's POV***

The look of horror on Dweight's face was shocking to say the least.

For someone who has apparently done some sickening things in his life, he seemed to be very distressed when he saw the wound on my arm. He called for the medic in a panic and I nearly laughed.

'I've had worse.' I puffed a bit of air out of my nose and watched the blood seep into the towel again. The worst I've had was where I literally woke up covered in blood. Daniel had been drinking heavily and it was the first time after he marked me that I caught him with another woman. He changed into his wolf form and attacked me, ripping me up so badly that I feared I wouldn't make it. In fact, I remembered welcoming the darkness because it numbed the ache in my heart, my battered body and the burning sensation on my mark that I came to recognise as Daniel's fury. A shudder ran through me and I looked up to see Dweight watching me with worried eyes.

'Daniel?' I was going to say no like I usually lied but for some reason I thought I could trust this man. After all, he did just save my life.

Nodding he opened his mouth only to snap it shut when three men briskly walked into the room carrying suitcases of some kind. Two knelt on either side of me; one with a syringe holding yellow liquid, the other wiping at my arm before the first injected me with something. I was going to protest but my body felt numb all of a sudden. I looked at Dweight with what I thought was panic in my eyes and I watched him walk over and kneel beside me. The tingle of his touch was the last thing I felt before the nothingness claimed my mind.

When I woke up I was warm, in a big bed and I had clean clothes on. The room was the same one I slept in last night - Or was it the night before?- with a slight difference; the new doors were white instead of brown and the bedding was a deep red and black instead of the silver and white. The pillows were all stacked in the middle of the bed like before and I wondered if I moved them myself or if someone else did. The only other thing that I recognised was Dweight sleeping on the couch in front of the bed. The dark circles under his eyes had me bite my lip and look over at the super large bed and then back at the uncomfortable looking sofa. He could have slept next to me? I wondered where his wife was sleeping and why he wasn't with her.

The events of the attack kept running through my head and the same questions kept coming up.

Who was that guy?

And why was he there to kill me?

I cringed at the memory of his crazed looking eyes and the way his teeth tore into my arm instead of the intended throat.

I touched my white bandaged arm, tracing the material under my fingers and looked up to see Dweight stir restlessly, his fists clenching and unclenching before his eyes shot open and he stared right at me. I flushed scarlet at the thought of being caught staring at him sleeping but was saved by a light knock at the door.

'Come in.' Dweight croaked and cleared his throat before sitting upright.

'Good morning.' Hillary smiled warmly at me and walked over with two cups on a tray. She placed the tea next to me on the bedside table and then took the coffee to Dweight. He grumbled a thank you -or at least I think it was- and she returned to sit next to me and examined my arm.

'How are you feeling?' She asked patting my hand

'I feel fine thank you.' I whispered my usual reply and blinked taken aback. It was true. I really did feel fine despite the attack on my life, the bandaged arm and everything I've gone through in the past six years. I felt perfect sitting in this strangers bed, being cared for by someone that barely knows me and I didn't have my usual feeling of terror. I felt safe.

Hillary smiled warmly and then looked over at Dweight before she quickly turned to me, coming closer and whispered.

'I hope you don't mind but I dressed you. The other clothing was filthy and I couldn't let you sleep that way.' I smiled sheepishly and murmured a shy thank you.

'Hillary, is everyone alright?' Dweight walked over to the bed and stopped beside her

'Yes, everyone is fine. Calan's ribs have healed and the others were fine by the time the medics reached them.' He nodded absently and then looked at me, the silver in his eyes capturing my attention and stealing my breath away. He reached over and traced my arm in much the same way that I did earlier. It was such a tender gesture and even Hillary's eyes widened in disbelief. She looked from me to Dweight and back like she was watching a silent tennis match. Dweight noticed it and then stopped, cleared his throat and took a step away from me.

'I'll be running patrol tonight. I'll call in Calan and Rory to watch her but as for the rest of the day, you can watch her.' Hillary frowned and watched him stalk off slamming the door behind him.

'He means well Kelly.' She whispered after a few minutes of silence.

'I'm sure he does.' I tried a smile and failed. I felt like some helpless oaf. From bliss to depression in seconds.

She sighed and got up opening the bed covers for me.

'We'll have a bit of fun today.' She grinned mischievously before she looked around as if making sure no one else was here.

'Oh?' I asked with a smile

'Oh yes...We'll bake some things, get music together and have a bit of a laugh in the kitchen with the girls.' I chuckled. That did sound like fun.

'I'll leave you to have a bath and get dressed -seeing as your arm is still bandaged; no shower for you missy", she playfully scolded me and then walked to the door, picked up a bag just outside of it and brought it in, placing it on the bed.' The bag was filled with clothes and she took out a few pairs of trainers and ballet pumps as well.

'I had the girls go get you some things to wear seeing as you'll be staying with least for a while.' She grinned, leaving me wide eyed she then walked out saying, 'I'll see you in about 20 minutes!'

I had to get going! 20 minutes wasn't a lot of time at all. I wasn't going to let Dweight get to me. I would have fun today and no man is going to dampen my spirits again!

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