part 6

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***Kelly's POV***

My stomach gurgled as the scent of steak hit my nose.

Oh my god.

All of my favourite smells filled the air and I actually found myself standing still in the middle of a clearing with my eyes closed.

'Food won't stay warm forever.' The gruff voice coming from behind startled me and I let out a squeak of shock.

The man was about my height, 5 ft 8 and he was well built with brown eyes and brown hair. He looked pretty upset to be out here having a conversation with me -well if you could call a statement a conversation-.

'Get moving.' He nodded toward the big building up ahead and I quickly turned walking faster so he wouldn’t have a reason to wait on me.

'There she is!' Hillary waved me over to a table filled with other women her age and older. Oh no!

'I slowed and stopped a few feet from their table.' The whole cafeteria was filled to the brim with tables and chairs -and people!- and the decor was very neutral, like the colours of the houses scattered all over. All painted in beige or light browns.

There was one table in particular that stood out. It seated about 12 male wolves and all of them had turned to stare at me. The gruff wolf who I assumed was the grey wolf that stopped me at the border walked over to them and sat down although he didn't turn to stare at me like the others did.

'...Would like to eat?' Hillary's voice cut into my thoughts and I blushed tearing my gaze away from the men.

'I'm sorry, what did you say?' All the other women chuckled and one turned to me and said, 'It's ok, they are just shocked to see a young and beautiful feme wolf in our territory.' All the women burst out laughing and I felt embarrassed for some reason.

'I asked what you would like to eat my dear? There's plenty of food to feed everyone three times over.' I smiled and followed her as she prattled on about the different kinds of vegetables and meat they had. She helped me choose a plate full of food and when we walked back to the table, everyone at the table across the room turned to stare at me again -apart from grumpy that is-. One man in particular caught my attention. His silver eyes stared at me and it felt like molten lava filled my body, causing me to shiver and quickly look away.

If you asked me to describe anything about him, I couldn't.

I sat with the women as they all discussed their day filling in details like; going to get their hair done, cooking, baking, cleaning and then Hillary noticed that my plate was empty. I ate whilst listening to them and smiled when they laughed. I hadn't had this type of company for...years. My eyes widened at the realization and then I flinched when Hillary jumped up and rushed over to another table in the far right, grabbed a plate full of things and rushed back with the biggest smile yet.

'I made some cakes today. You simply must try them.' I looked at the plate and then at a woman to my left as she poked me.

'Hillary is our best pastry chef and I must warn you...' She looked at me with such seriousness that I felt myself leaning toward her.

'Once you start, you can't stop.' She stood and turned around showing me her rump and I grinned when she said, 'This ass doesn't just appear overnight.' I giggled and the rest of the table laughed as well. The atmosphere was so welcoming and it was almost like they'd known me for years.

I had 6 cupcakes, a piece of red velvet cake and half a bite of the banana loaf before I couldn't anymore. Stifling a yawn I saw most of the people laughing, getting up and shuffling out of the room. The ladies all cleared the plates but Hillary playfully swatted me when I started helping.

They all said good night as they too made their way to their beds.

I couldn’t help but notice that not once did I get a dirty look or feel threatened by anyone in this entire Pack.

This place was nothing like Daniel’s Pack

It felt…

Like home.

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