Micah Bell: Drunken Honesty Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Why did you want to cut my hair?" he asked, laughing a little as he turned his head to look at you but you just shrugged with an amused smile.

"Oh and you also told me that if you could sleep with any woman in camp you would choose me, so thanks for that" you told him with a cheeky smile, your smile only growing when you actually saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. You couldn't believe it, Micah Bell was blushing!

"I didn't say that" he mumbled and shook his head as he sat up, sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to you.

"Yes you did" you laughed, you knew that he was embarrassed but you also knew that you had to talk about this with him.

"Well, don't flatter yourself" he scoffed as he stood up, glancing around the room for his hat, jacket, and shoes. Since those where the only clothes he managed to pull off of himself before he passed out with his face buried in your hair.

"Oh, if you think that is bad, you don't want to know what else you told me" you chuckled again as you stood up from the bed.

"What was it?" Micah asked with a groan, not sure that he wanted to know but he knew that he knew that he should probably find out so that he could smooth it over with you.

"well I asked you what the thing you love the most is, your answer was very...interesting" you teased as you watched him pull on his boots, getting ready to leave.

"Whatever I said...I was drunk" he reminded you, defending himself before he even knew what he had said.

"I thought that you were going to say your guns or something but you didn't" you continued, knowing that the anticipation was killing him.

"...what did I say?" he asked, his question hesitant.

"You said that it was me. You also said that I'm pretty and that my smile warms your heart. I had no idea you were such a romantic" you told him with a smile, not laughing this time.

"I ain't a romantic and we ain't ever going to talk about this again. I'm not going to listen to you mock me" he huffed as he pulled on his jacket, refusing to even look at you. Alright, he was embarrassed and you should probably try to be a little more serious.

"I should tell you that you kissed me last night" you sighed, just looking at his back but you could tell how tense he was.

"Shit...look, Y/N, I'm sorry alright. We can pretend that it never happened right?" Micah asked, placing his hat on his head before turning to face you.

"Uh, Micah...I can't believe I actually have to explain this to you but I kissed you back and I let you cuddle me last night" you tried to remind him, trying to make him understand why you had stuck around last night and didn't run for the hills. "Actually, I thought you were kinda sweet. Y'know confessing your love to me and everything" you smiled but he still looked really uncomfortable.

"I didn't, uh, harass ya or anything did I?" Micah asked and it made you smile a little. The last thing Micah wanted to do was harass you or make you feel uncomfortable. He knew that he could come on too strong and, despite what he would have you believe, he was God awful when it came to talking to women. You were the one person in camp that he liked, he respected you, you had basically been best friends for a while, and he would be lying if he said that his feelings for you didn't run deeper than that. He didn't want to scare you away.

"No, you didn't. You are surprisingly happy and sweet when you are drunk" you smiled again, letting him know that he hadn't done anything to upset or anger you.

"So, how long are you going to hold this over my head?" Micah asked, he was pretty sure that he would die inside if you told the rest of the gang about it.

"Well that depends...did you mean it?" you asked, now you were beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. What if he just denied it and you both had to pretend like it never happened? You didn't want that.

"I ain't doing this" he huffed as he tried to push past you to get to the door.

"Micah, did you mean it?" you sighed, grabbing his arm to make him stop and face you again.

"Yeah I fuckin' meant it alright" Micah sighed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as you saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"Good" you smiled, nodding as you stepped towards him.

"Wha-" he began to ask but was cut off by you grabbing the lapels of his jacket and pulling him towards you. It was your turn to surprise him. You pulled him down and your lips crashed against his for a kiss. Micah was shocked and wide eyed but he slowly began to kiss you back, his hand moving from hovering in the air to hold your waist.

Once he processed what was happening he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulled you closer so that your body was pressed against his. The kiss wasn't as messy or sloppy as the one he gave you last night, and this time it was hungry and needy. Micah pulled away and a smirk appeared on his face. There's the Micah Bell you know. "Well, since we already have a room..." he cocked an eyebrow at you, waiting for an answer.

You just smiled and laughed before nodding at him, before you knew it Micah had thrown you down into your back on the bed. This would be one hell of a morning.


You returned the room key to the bartender before walking out of the saloon with Micah. He threw his arm over your shoulders, pulling you towards him as you walked along the street towards your horses.

"So...can we get a dog?" You asked, looking up at Micah and giving him your best puppy dog eyes.

"We aren't getting a dog" Micah scoffed, where the hell did that come from? Why the hell would you get a dog together?

"But you said that we could get a dog last night" you pouted at him. He looked down at you and instantly regretted it when he saw your face, how could he say no to that?

"...fine we can get a dog" he sighed in defeat making you smiled bright.

"You're the best, I love you" you laughed, quickly leaning up to kiss his cheek as you reached the horses.

"Yeah, yeah, I love ya too" Micah mumbled and you just thought it was completely adorable when you saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink again. It was rare that anything got Micah flustered so you would cherish these moments.


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