A Simple Saturday

Start from the beginning

By the time we were in the car and driving away from the base I was too dizzy and tired to keeping crying. Medic handed me a tissue to wipe my face. Sniper was driving, Medic was next to him and Scout was sitting in the back with me.

"Okay so where we heading." Scout asked.

"...Not sure mate." Sniper said.

"So you got in the car, started driving, and don't even know where we goin." Scout deadpanned. Sniper was about to retort, when Medic beat him to it.

"Zere is nien used in arguing about it now. Besides, arguing is not a calming activity." Medic warned. Sniper and Scout huffed.

Suddenly, Scout had his "I have an idea face", "Why don't we go to the grocery store and get some ice cream. There's no parlor or anything nearby, so we could just pick some up and head to the park to eat it.

Medic was about to say something but when I uttered "ice cream" hopefully, he just sighed and nodded. Sniper drove to the grocery store. It was the same grocery store I... I started tearing up again and Scout panicked.

"What's wrong kid?" Scout asked. When I didn't respond, he looked up towards the store in realization. "Um, right, sorry. Hadn't thought about...let's just go get the ice cream kid."

I nodded and he held my hand as I walked toward the store. Sniper and Medic had already grabbed a cart and went in. I stopped just before the door and sat against the wall. Scout looked at me confused.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't go in."


"Mom said I can't go into grocery stores anymore because of the "grocery store" incident." Scout stared at me for a moment or two.

"Okay tell you what kid. I won't tell your mom you came into a grocery store, if you cheer up a bit more."

"...Promise?" I question and held out my pinky. He flinched and quickly held out his pinky and shook mine. A couple of ladies who were passing by giggled and Scout glared at them before helping me up.

"Now where's that smile?" Scout said. I gave him a big smile. "There it is! Now let's go inside." He took my hand again and we walked into the store and started looking for Sniper and Medic. Scout said that the grocery store was unusually crowded. It was too hard find Medic and Sniper in the hustle of everything. At one point I got pushed away from scout by a current of people. Scout yelled "Kid!" but he was quickly drowned out by the sounds of people talking and walking. I got jostled through crowd and into different isles. I had to avoid getting ran over by carts. Eventually the rush calmed down, but it was still too crowded to really find anyone. I eventually climbed up on a display and used that to climbed onto a item shelf.

"HEY! You can't climb up there!" I heard a voice call. I looked down to see another kid. He was sitting in the basket of the cart because he was too big to fit in the infant seating. His mom was distracted, trying to choose which cereal to throw in the cart. The kid continued to pester me as I climbed. "Is no one else seeing this?! She should be in trouble by now!"

When I reached the top I noticed it was pretty much flat like a plat form The shelves were back to back, so the surface was at least a good four feet. I surveyed the  isle from the platform I was on, but didn't see Scout, Sniper, or Medic. I looked down to see if I could simply climb down. I was hit with a wave of vertigo and fell back on the platform. I pondered what to do briefly. The distance between the isle weren't too great...welp fudge it. I got up took to steps back for a running start, and jumped across the isle onto the next shelf. Despite a shaky landing, I was okay. I continued to search the isles up and down, Jumping across isle to isle when my search came up blank. Suddenly, I saw Medic and Sniper walking into the freezer aisle. I parkoured my over to the pair. When I caught up with them, I had a troubling thought: "how do I get down?"

After a minute of thinking I said, "oh,well." and just jumped down into the cart. Luckily, the stuff in the cart wasn't too painful to land on: "Oof!" I exclaim.

"Fraulein?! Vere did vu come from? Vy aren't vu vith Scout?"

"Where is the little gremlin?" Sniper said under his breath looking around. Just then Scout came running in looking unnerved and panicked.

"Have you two seen..." Scout trailed off seeing (y/n) wave at him from the cart, "-the ice cream?"

Nice save scout...

*End of flashback*

Long story made shorter, Sniper, Medic, and Scout took (y/n) to the park without much else happening.

Now (Y/n) was sitting in the living area, peacefully drawing and waiting for engine to help her create the weapons for the paintball teams. While drawing up battle plans and schematics she found herself getting hungry and decided it was time for lunch...or maybe a late breakfast...whichever type of food she finds first I guess. She wandered into the kitchen and found Heavy sitting at the table cleaning his gun.

"Hi, Heavy!" (Y/n) exclaimed. She hoisted herself onto the seat next to him.

"Privyet, little girl." Heavy greeted back. "Are you well today?"

"Yep!" (Y/n) pauses to stare at the gun. She has never really realized how big Heavy's gun was (or rather she didn't pay attention). "Do you carry this gun into battle everyday?"

Heavy pauses his cleaning, "You mean Sasha?" He looks down at his gun with pride. "Yes, she is the best thing. Perfect for taking down blue team babies."

"Is she now?" (Y/n) asked, intrigued.

Heavy nods and continues, "She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute."

"Can I try firing it?" (Y/N) asks. Heavy leans in close and says:

"It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon for twelve seconds."

..."How many seconds will three dollars and half of a orange crayon get me?" (Y/n) didn't like that crayon anyway.

"...Haha!" Heavy lets out a big round of laughter. "Little girl is funny."

(Y/n) giggles along too. The two's laughter is interrupted by (Y/n)'s stomach. Not even a second later another growl was let out that was abnormally loud for someone her size. Oh, wait- That one was Heavy.

"Let us make sandwiches for us two." Heavy says as he stands up to fix lunch. When Heavy finishes he has made a rather large sandwich for himself. He was about to take a bite when he felt a tap on his leg. (Y/n) was looking up at him with distressed puppy dog eyes. It then occurred to Heavy that (Y/n) was to short to reach the counter by herself and could not make her sandwich. Heavy looked at the loaf and figured that one of his sandwiches would be too big for her so he gave he broke off a corner of his sandwich with his larger hands. When he gave the piece to (Y/n) the piece was just barely graspable for her, but nonetheless she gasped happily and took a big bite of her piece.

This was a good lunch. Yes?


A very simple chapter, but at least it got the wheels of the story turning again.

Part 2 coming soon and I promise it will have something more substantial to it....probably.

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