Found (SS part 5)

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A short chapter to transition us into more Zombies. Updates on the play below too.


////////// *Medic's Point of View* ////////

After I calmed down I walked back into the lab. (Y/n) was still sitting on the examination table. I noticed all the things that my doppelganger did. She wasn't as pale or shaking as bad as when I first came in but she still looked on edge.

"Fraulein, can you please tell me what happened?" I asked her in a calm tone.

"I went snooping in places I shouldn't have," She says vaguely.

"Where did you go?"

She didn't say anything. She just started fiddling with her sleeves again. I sighed, "Let's get you fixed up." I wrapped her arm after putting some ointment on it. I gave her a cold pack for the back of her head. I had her take some Tylenol to help with her headache.

We sat in silence while she finished off her water. I leaned against the examination table and stared out one of the windows of the lab. I said without looking at her, "Why won't you tell me who did it? Did they threaten you?"

I felt her look at me. "No, it just— he got angry at me cause I was looking through his stuff and I really shouldn't have."

"That doesn't justify what he did to you. That doesn't make it okay."

"He doesn't seem like he's in a good place right now."


"His room was a mess and he had papers all over the place with really sad words on them. He's calling himself 'useless' and 'stupid'. I feel bad for him."

I look back down at her. She's looking down at her feet as she recalls what happened. What she said next told me exactly what I needed to know:

"He also had Engie's stuff in his room too. I think he's comparing his blueprints to Engie's and putting himself down."


T h e E n g i n e e r

She must not have realized she accidentally confessed cause she continued, "He also had someone else's schematics for a 'life extender' machine. It was made by someone named Radigan."

I pick her up off of the examination table to hug her. "How about you go find your friends and spend time with them. They are playing in the kitchen. I want you to calm down and feel cheerful again." I put her down on the ground and kneel to her height. She doesn't look me in the eyes. "Look at me"

She looks me in the eyes this time.

"I want you to smile for me. Can you do that? Try thinking about putting a card castle on top of sleeping Demoman."

She thinks about it for a moment and I can see the ghost of a smile on her face.

"Or how about frustrated Sniper trying to shoot a target by but they keep moving. What is it that he says under his breath every time?"

She laughs to herself a little, "He would say, 'hold still!'"

"That's silly, isn't it? They can't even hear him. Not that they would hold still if they did hear him."

I decided to seal the deal, "What about Scout?"

She holds in a snicker, "What about Scout?"

"That time that Scout tripped over you during a game of hiding n' seek to try to find you."

Meet the Kid (TF2 and Child!Reader Fanfic) ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz