Shadow: Hehehe!! Don't worry, it wasn't that hard.. It is actually apart of your passion.

Silver: What is it?

Shadow: Since you and Noa are at the same age..

Silver: I'm 4 months older.

Shadow: And you have a sense of justice..

Silver: go on..,

Shadow: Well.. Noa is being bullied and some of her friends can't help her get up from those so... Could you take care of her? For me?

Silver: I'm not being rude bro but why do you care for her?

In what Silver ask makes me think so deep. I really don't know what word could I say so he won't put anything funny like Sonic always did.

Shadow: Since I get to the Phillipines, I feel like I belong there and... It is like I'm.. Connected to that place. Then I saw a girl that I can relate to myself. That is Noa. She kinda amaze me for her braveness on sacrificing herself just to save France "Her younger cousin".

Silver: Wow... Same as how I feel when I save Blaze from those bullies who always hurt her.

Shadow: Also Silv. You said you grew up in a Christian church right?

Silver: Yes why?

Shadow: I once dream about Lord Christ. Last four years ago...

*Shadows dream last 4 years ago*

I remember it was.. Shinning... Full of trees, grasses and meadows. I don't know how I got there nor do I know where I am. I was walking with alots of cunfusion. Why am I here? As I walk around, I feel every life force around.

Shadow:... Hello?! Is there anybody around?!

I keep on asking until I saw a very bright light, brighter than the sun.. a voice was then heard. Looks like The Lord has forgiven my sins.

Lord Jesus: There is son..

Shadow: Huh?

The light then fades as it reveals none other than The Lord.

Lord Jesus: Greetings Shadow the hedgehog..

Shadow:... Lord!!!

I quickly bow before him. Even though I'm immortal, that doesn't mean I'm an atheist... That would be my worse nightmare!

Lord Jesus: No need to bow Shadow.. Here (Helping hand)

(Note: Deep meaning alert!!)

I stare at the lords hands, will I take it? I close my eyes and accept his love.

Shadow: Are you the reason why I'm here?

Lord Christ: Yes I am son.. I know who you are.. I know what struggle you have been at... And I know that even you put your dark past behind... I know you are still missing..

Shadow:..... I was like a puzzle.. I know who I am... I know my internal purpose.. But there an empty space in my heart, that is very unknown.... That I never knew. Why am I a... Incomplete.. I will never find it..

The Lord kneel down and put both hands on my shoulder. He smiled... Giving me courage.

Lord Jesus: is my Ultimate Lifeform giving up?

Shadow:.. Of course not my lord... I just don't know how.. Or what? Can you help me?

Lord Jesus: Your heart is looking for love Shadow.. You are like a vine who is far away to ground he was born.

Fate of Rinoa Angelwings: (Book 1: Is it you) (Shadow love story)Where stories live. Discover now