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   Elsa's POV. Mum, mum, please wake up. I said these words as tears flowed down my face, the pain that filled me was unexplainable it felt like a thousand rose thorns allover my body,  questions in millions began to run through my head, will I ever see her again, will she be okay, will she never wake from her ever pending sleep. Maybe or maybe not but right now one thing is for sure I was scared out of my mind, I never imagined my mum laid down her body so cold, stiff, lifeless, faced without a smile. Every time she would smile even when things were not fine I remember when I was 6 my dad company was bankrupt she used her business to take care of the family for 2 years even if my dad did help she did most of the work and although it was stressful she still smiled and made every one happy. Me and my little sis Anna finally lost it when after 3month after our mothers death my dad said he was going to marry another woman called Lyra we argued about it first but(WTF)  YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO GIRLS AFTER 3 MOTHS OF THEIR MUM'S DEATH!!!.  Our dad asked  us to give her a try at first she was nice but when my dad married her her try colors were shown, ruthless, wicked, despicable was what we witness after 2 month after the marriage. I seriously regret it aka worst choice of my life. Well you can't change the past so I have to unfortunately live with it. Then here comes the best part(just joking) my 2 best, handsome, loving, kindness, charming, brothers oh the irony????  The try to fuck me most night and I never get enough  sleep for school the next day and when I tell my dad he always thinks its a lie. I am just tired of life's surprises.


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