"Here, " Uriah says, tossing me a burger. I catch it, trying to be as quiet as possible. "Thanks, " I reply. I hadn't eaten since dinner yesterday. We all walk out of Tobias' room and into the living room to talk so we don't wake him up.

"How's he doing?" Mar asks and I shrug. "Wakes up every ten to twenty minutes throwing up, constantly has a headache and stomach ache, and is always sweating and shivering at the same time." They all frown at me. "No wonder you haven't been sleeping. When are you leaving for candor?" Uriah asks. I shake my head.

"I got someone else to go, " I state simply. I literally just explained this. "Who?" "Eric." They all seem surprised. "I thought he hated you two," Lynn says and I nod. "He does. That's why we made a deal."

A few minutes later I hear movement from Tobias' room and run in, just in time to save him from throwing up all over himself again. I hear everyone file in behind me. Tobias finished and I go to wash it out in the bathroom while everyone else waits with him.

"You seem tense, " someone says from behind me. "You think?" I reply sarcastically. "Yeah, " Zeke answers. I take a deep breath and turn around with the bucket. He stands there, blocking the door. "Move, " I demand, trying to squeeze through one side, but he blocks me. "I have to get the medicine now get your dumb ass out of my way, " I say and shove him back.

I set the bucket back next to Tobias and I feel all eyes on me as I grab the bag with his medicines along with water. He takes it without argument and I leave the water on his nightstand.

"How you doing?" Marlene asks. "How do you think?" He replies sarcastically. "You could be worse, " she says, trying to humor him. "True." "What's up with you guys?" They shrug. "Nothing, " Zeke answers. Tobias struggles to sit more upright.

I hate seeing him not able to do anything. It's probably embarrassing for him too. Tobias hates sitting still. He still works in the control room, though. I don't understand that part.

"This is bullshit, " he says, flopping his head back. "Totally, " Uriah replies. "I can't do, like, anything for myself." We all sit in silence. I can tell Tobias really wants to hit someone or something, but he can't. "At least Tris is like your slave, " Lynn laughs. "But most of it is holding a puke bucket, " he replies with a small smile.
Two hours later..
I sit in the chair right next to Tobias with my Harry Potter book in my hands. Personally, I wish he had stayed in the hospital. He would probably get better medical attention, but he would be uncomfortable. I hate the hospital too. It makes me feel too dependent.

"What part are you on?" I hear Tobias croak. He doesn't usually wake up without throwing- my thought is interrupted by him gagging. I give him the bucket and he starts wretching. Not enough liquids.

It takes him a minute or two to actually stop. I give him his water and he drinks almost the whole thing. "Thanks," he says quietly. I nod. "I'm on page 394," I tease. He smiles at me. "Fine. I'm at the part when the trio returns to Hogwarts." His eyes stay intently focused on me.

"Why are you staring at me?" He smirks. Oh God, why would I ask that? "Because you're beautiful." He did not just quote The Fault in our Stars. "You didn't." "I did, " he replies keeping his smile. "Since when did you read it?" I question. "Since you mentioned you liked it and I wanted to be able to quote it."

He is so sweet. "The world is not a wish-granting factory, " I say. "Some infinities are bigger than other infinities." I love that one. "It's a metaphor, " I retort. "I fear oblivion." "Douchepants." He makes a fake hurt expression. I roll my eyes.

"That's why, " he says, quoting again. "I love you, " I reply and grab his weak hand. "I love you too." Both of us can't stop smiling, even though his is weak.

"Did you feel bad before capture the flag?" he looks at the foot of the bed. "I didn't want to ruin it for all of you." He felt bad and he still didn't tell us? I get why, but still. "Tobias, " I say quietly. "I just didn't want to worry you."

"I don't care. I care about you, not about a stupid game of capture the flag, " I retort, squeezing his hand really hard, trying to prove my point.

"Can you please eat something?" I ask, a sigh accompanying it. He shakes his head weakly. "Please. I'll get you a piece of cake." he shakes his head again. He lies one of his ears against the pillow and closes his eyes. I don't understand how he sweating and shivering at the same time.

I know he hates being pitied, but I can't help it. It sucks to be woken up every ten-twenty minutes, but it sucks more to be in pain and throwing up. I really hope he gets over this soon because he doesn't smell great and I'm not in the mood to clean him up.

My eyes droop closed as I lean my head on my shoulder. I'm exhausted. I really hope he feels better soon.

I jerk awake to the sound of my name being whispered quietly. I jump and immediately hold the bucket to him. He spills his guts once again. "I'm sorry, " he says as grab a rag to wipe his mouth. "You don't have anything to be sorry for, " I reply with a small smile. "How's your head?" I ask, sitting back down. "Eh." Way to be descriptive, Tobias.

"Stomach?" "Bad, " he replies really and he closes his eyes. "I'll get the medicine." I grab it from his bedside table and give him the pills along with his water. He swallows.

"Thank you, for doing all of this, for dealing with me." I smile a bit. "I don't deal with you," I reply. "I know you hate it there." I trace circles on the back of his hand with my thumb. "I love you, " I say. "I love you more, " he replies with a yawn. "I love you to infinity, " I reply. He is already asleep.

When he sleeps, his whole face relaxes and he looks so much younger. All the stress and tension has been removed. Sometimes he will just smile. At what? I don't know, but I like it.

Right? --A Fourtris/Tris Pedrad StoryWhere stories live. Discover now