How They Find/Meet You

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(E/C) - Your Eye Color
(H/C) - Your Hair Color

John Lennon - Your birth parents never loved you. They hated you, even though you are only three months old. One night, your parents went to sleep without feeding you. You begin to cry because you are hungry. "SHUT UP AND GO TO SLEEP, YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!" Your birth father screamed as he walked into your room. This made you cry even more. Your birth father was so angry at you that he decided to get rid of you by putting you in a basket, going into a car, and throwing you into the car's trunk. "Hey! What the h*ll are you doing to my car?!" Someone said. Your birth father left. Hoping somebody could feed you because you were really hungry, you began to cry. Somebody hears you cry and you hear footsteps. A man with light brown hair and brown eyes opens the car trunk, picks up the basket that you are in, opens it, and he looks at you. "Why would somebody put a baby into the trunk of my car???" He asked as he continued to look at you. You began to cry again. The man takes you out of the basket and holds you close. This man who is holding you close was John Lennon. "I'm so sorry that your parents treated you like that." He said as he walks to his bandmates, taking you with him. "Since I believe you don't have a name, how about (Y/N)? I like that name." He said as he shows you to his bandmates. The three bandmates were named Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. "John, what do you have?" Paul asks as he sees you. "I have a hungry baby in my hands." John replies as he shows you to the boys.

Paul McCartney - Your birth mother abused you, mainly because you cry all the time because she never fed you. All she does to you is not feed you, yell at you, and make you sleep on the floor. While she was going to a Beatles concert, she takes you with her. The Beatles were performing "Help!". After the concert, your abusive mommy leaves you to get rid of you. You realize that you are alone because your abusive mommy left you, and the stands that had a lot of screaming teenage girls were now empty. You began you cry, loudly. That's when a man with dark brown hair and brown eyes shows up. "I'm so, so sorry that one of the girls got rid of you." He said as he picks you up and holds you. "I'll take care of you, sweetie. I promise that nothing bad will happen to you, (Y/N)." He takes you to the other Beatles, which they were named John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. The man who is still holding you was Paul McCartney. "Who is that baby?" George asked. "And where are her/his parents?" "One of the girls got rid of her/him." Paul replied. He is still holding you close to him. As he takes you "home", which is a hotel, he feeds you and wraps you up in a very soft blanket, and puts you in his bed. "Goodnight. Love you, (Y/N)." He said as he kisses your forehead.

George Harrison - You were always hated by your birth father. You were responsible for your birth mother's death. He always screams at you, hits you, and makes you sleep on the floor. Your birth father took you to a Beatles concert, but he hit you and left you in the car. Little did he know that he left the car door open and forgot to buckle you up after he unbuckled you. You decided to leave the car to meet The Beatles. While they were performing "A Hard Day's Night", you crawled onto the stairs of the stage without the police and the security guards seeing you and you hid behind a part on the stage. After the performance was over, a teenage girl yelled, "Look! There is a baby on the stage!" The Beatles heard her and turned around to see you cooing. Just as the police were about to get ahold of you and take you away, a man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes who had the name of George Harrison hastily walks over to you, and picks you up. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he tickles you. He looks into your (E/C) eyes and puts you down. You began to whimper because your "new friend" put you down. "Oh. You don't have any parents, honey?" George asks as he picked you back up. "Oh, you need feeding, little one." John Lennon looks at you. "She/He needs a name before you can take care of her/him, George." George looks at you. "You know, John's right. I need to give you a name. How about... Hmmmm.... (Y/N)? I like that name." You giggle at him. You liked the name George gave you.

Ringo Starr - Your birth parents are on a road trip to a park, but on the way, a deer got in the way and your parents tried to get past the deer, trying not to run it over, but the car flipped over and crashed. Your birth parents are killed, but you survived the car crash. A day later, you began to cry. Somebody heard you cry and followed the crying. A young man with dark brown hair and blue eyes looks inside the broken car and picks you up out of the car, and looks at a name printed on your shirt. "(Y/N)? Is that your name? Well, tutti my frutti! I'm keeping you." The man said as he kisses your forehead. You giggle at him as he smiles at you. The man's name was Richard Starkey (better known as Ringo Starr). "I am keeping you, my little angel." Ringo whispers as he cradles you in his arms, holding you close. You began to feel drowsy from Ringo's body heat, and you fall fast asleep in Ringo's arms. "I hope you sleep well, my little baby." Ringo smiles.

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