The smell of alcohol was in the air, and when I reached closer to the kitchen, the smell of pizza made my mouth all watery. I was starving. Work was busy today since it was the weekend, and I didn't had the chance to eat a single thing so the smell is making me even more hungry.

I walked faster to the table that a large pepperoni pizza on top, I noticed that there were two guys chasing each other and intoxicated as fuu since I had a whiff of one of the guys that ran in front of me. They're are so getting laid tonight. I wish I can express sarcasm on here cause that was sarcasm.

I ignored the intoxicated runners and dashed to the table, but the two ran faster than I thought.

By the time I reached the table, one of the drunk runners bumped into me, making me fall back.

When I thought I was gonna have the humiliated fall, I felt arms on my waist and chest against my back.

"Woah!" I heard the person who caught me gasped, and chuckled, "Don't want you to be falling everywhere."

That voice. That tone. My heart started beating fast.

I turned around and I see a grinning colored haired idiot whose eyes widened at the second he laid eyes on me, and that grinned formed into a shock expression. I probably have the same face going on also.



"What are you doing here?!" We said in sync, and then again said together, "No you say it first!"

"Goddamn it, Lili." He started laughing, "I shouldn't be asking you cause you live in London."

"So answer my question then." I crossed my arms at him, "What are you doing here?"

"Tom is a friend with this guy we knew back when we lived here, and he wanted to throw a party to welcome us here here at Tom's place since theirs is a bit cramp for this party."

"Cause it's not a great warm welcome when it's not a party, huh?"

"I like how you get me so much."

"You're a dork."

"I missed you."

My cheeks began to burn so I looked away, trying to play it cool, "You too."

"Don't be shy, Lili!" He put his arm around me, and I rolled my eyes, "Shut up, I'm hungry."

I turned around and got a slice of pizza, then took a huge bite of it. Ahh, the great taste of pizza.

"What about your diet?"

"What the fuck is a diet?" I snapped at him which made him laugh out, "True, true."

"How long are you staying in London?" I asked him after I swallowed my pizza.

He shrugged, "We're gonna be staying here for a while for writing purposes."

My heart kind of dropped. I don't know why but I had a feeling that Michael was finally free from his hectic schedule, but my feelings were wrong. I hate you, feelings.

"Oh, okay." I nodded, then pushed his shoulder, "How come you didn't tell me about you coming here?!"

"Now where's the fun if I do that?" Michael nudged me, making me laugh a little.

We started catching up for a bit, talking about 5sos's writing sessions, there crazy summer adventure with Jenna, and more writing.

"I wish I was there." I sighed as I leaned back against the wall, "That summer adventure sounded fun!"

"It was," Michael nodded as he leaned next to me, making our arms touch, "How's London so far?"

"Cheeky." I grinned at him which made him laugh a little, "London is great! I love it here."

"I can tell." Michael and I just looked at each other for a while. I just realized that this my first time seeing Michael in person. We always webcam and text each other, but being face to face is something out of the ordinary but comfortable.

"Stop staring at me like that." Michael did a cute laugh which I laughed also, "What? Staring like what?"


His phone began to ring, and when he looked down and checked his phone, he said, "Gotta take this." then walked away.

When I was just leaning against the wall, I took some glances at Michael who started smiling and laughing. I wonder whose he talking to.

Then out of nowhere, someone covered my eyes.

"JESUS." I gasped, and touched the person's hand, "Who the hell is this?"

The person, of course, didn't answered.

"Not funny!" I whined, and the person didn't say a word. Getting frustrated, I tried to reach the person, and I heard a girly squeal that sounded familiar.

I took off the person's hand, and smiled, "LANI!?"

Right in front of me was Lani, looking good as ever.

"Hey!" She started hugging me like crazy and I did the same. If you haven't noticed, but Lani and I are pretty close. If it wasn't for Lani, Michael wouldn't be in my life, and I would probably loose my sanity but luckily, this girl helped through the up and downs, and I thank her for that.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed and let her go, smiling, "I can't believe that you're here!"


"Where's Luke?"

"Eh, probably still playing a board game with Calum." She scrunched her nose as she took a sip of her water.

"I'm guessing still not a fan of drinking?" I chuckled at the site of her own water bottle, and she nodded, "Yeah, beside, someone haves to take care of the four idiots when they're drunk."

"That's true."

Later, Michael finally came back and sighed, "Sorry, I had a call from someone."

"It's okay," I patted his shoulder, "Lani kept me busy."

"I see Lani finally found you!" Michael shook the top of her head, smiling at her.

"Yeah," She nodded, then said, "I'm gonna go back to Luke to check up on him."

"Come on, now!" Michael cried out to her, "Let the boy live!"

"The last time you said that and I listened, Luke was knocked out and was unable to get up."

Lani shook her head at him then waved at me, "See you around, Natalie!"

"Yeah! Let's meet up, yeah?"

Lani nodded then disappeared.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked Michael curious, and he shrugged, "Just a friend, anyways, tell me about your job! Is it fun?"

For some reason, I felt this lump in my throat as we continued to talk. I wanted to know why he was smiling and laughing so much, but at the same time, it's probably nothing and I'm just being over dramatic as always.

I have nothing to worry about, right?






"It's Something" # 3 - Something Twisted: Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now