Chapter 32: I have to tell you

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Jimin was looking at me with a smile. I looked at him.confused at we stand beside the lake. "It's cold" I said half whisper. Before I was about to speak again jimin already took of his shirt and jogger pants leaving him with his boxers. My eyes wide in shock looking away from him.

fuck that abs

"Jimin-ah!"I whined. "Come on jennie, please" He said as I look at him in the eyes not looking at his body. "Fine but just this one, please go first" I said as he nodded and started walking to the lake. I look away and started stripping my clothes leaving my undergarments on. I look at the lake and saw it was clear. Jimin was nowhere to be seen.
"Jimin?" I started looking around wishing he didn't leave me behind in the dark. That's when I felt like my feet was swept off the ground. I look to who was holding me and saw jimin carrying me to the lake running not even letting me to speak and I just only screamed.

My body touched the cold water lake, I went back up catching my breathe. That's when I see jimin smirking at me, "Fuck you, I thought you left me" I groaned at him. "I will never leave you" He smiled sweetly.

He started swimming towards me making me near him. I look at him in the eyes as he was already near me. "Never leave even if something happens?" I said, "Promise" He said making me smile saldy when I knew I have something to tell him.

We were looking at each other intensely, He started going near me as possible, He remove a hair on my face and went down to my waist as he rested his hands there. I look at him when our faces was about an inch away from each other.

Our lips touch locking into each other, makimg butterflies all over my stomach. I put my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. I blush in the kiss and my heart was started to beat so fast.

Why does jimin have that an affect to me? It's killing me.. I think I like him. I am already falling for him

We moved away from each other and look into each other's eyes and smiled. "Jennie, I like you" I widen my eyes shock at his words. I smiled at him and, "I like you too" I confessed to him. My heart was already bursting.

He smiled at me smashing his lips against to mine again, I kiss him back of course. I stopped our kissing and needed to tell him something, "I have to tell you something" I said im serious tone. Jimin looked at me curious.

"Let's go back, it's getting cold" I said freezing while I started walking off to the shore. Jimin and I started to wear our clothes back again silently. We sat together at the ground silently watching the night.

"What are you going to tell me?"Jimin asked, I am nervous on what he's reaction will be.

"Jimin.... Uh" I hesitated. "You... I... uhmm" I don't know how to say this.

"What jennie?" He said his eyes twinkling.

"Let's just get home" I started walking away from him to his car. Jimin was following behind me confused a little.

I really don't know how to say this to him. I wanted to but why just my mouth can't. I don't want lying to him. I like him and I wanted for him to know that and not expect me from lying to him

Jimin opened his car and I went in silence. "Jennie are you alright?' Jimin asked worried. " Yeah I'm fine" I assured him with a smile.

We had this dead silence along the way to home, his house. I watched him driving and then he will glance back only making me look away blushing.

I went out the car planning to walk inside the house but jimin stopped me from walking. " Jennie" He called out. I closed my eyes and then open my eyes again turning to facee him with a smile. "Yeah?" I asked

" Did I do something wrong? Is is about the kiss? Look I----" He was about to say sorry but he was getting all the idea wrong. "Jimin no, It was fine. Thank you for everything" I smiled gratefully to him.

"Then why are you acting like that?" Jimin asked worried that he might done something wrong but no he didn't do anything wrong. I looked at him and take a deep breath. Maybe I should tell him so that It won't get hard. Whatever happens when I tell him even if he is mad to me I will surely say sorry to him.

I already confessed that I liked him. I hoped the thing I will won't change anything.

I walk closer infront of him, I look at his eyes. "Promise me you get mad or something," I said. "Promise" I said, It's only been a night that I already consider having feelings for him and he already promised to me twice now.

"Jimin you're texting someone right?" I asked as he looked confused then smirked at that I ignored his smirked. "Then? You jealous?" He smirked, "Nope, Why would I?" Cause I knew I am the one you are texting

"See jimin, I think that number belongs to me, Kyutinini" I said looking down not ready for his reaction. I heard him chuckle, He touch my chin and look me up yo meet his eyes, and he is smirking. "What?" I asked scared at him.

"It took you time for that" He chuckled and smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused at what he is saying.

"I already knew you were kyutinini" He smiled at me cheekily, "How?" I asked

"I asked for taehyung for your number" He simply said. "And you didn't even bother tell me you already knew and it took me a long time to figure how to say it to you and what you reaction will be? Mad or what?" I said as I slapped his chest a little pissed at him

"I wanted for you to tell it to me" He said confidently which is his planned just worked. "You jerk.... "I mumbled. "Are you mad?" I asked him looking at his eyes worried.

"Why would I? I was happy that it was you." He smiled at me as he hugged me and I hugged back to him

"Jimin-ah" I pulled out of the hug, "Hmm?" He mumbled. "What are we?" I asked shyly. "What do you want?" He smiled at me.

"Let's just take it slow" I smiled at him but he frowned a little. "Do you know how hard for me to tell you that I like you. Okey fine, I'll just find someone else then." I frown at what he just said.

"Hey! where are you going?" I pulled his arms before he went in his car. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pull him closer to his face, our nose touching. "Then find someone else" I smirked then pulled away, jimin look stunned.

Before I pull away from him his hands snake around my waist securinv me near him. I looked at him shock his face so close to mine. "Please don't. Let's just take it a little slow but please be mine. I'm falling for you too hard" He pleaded, I smiled at him and befor e.he knew it, I smashed my lips to his at first he was shock but in a split second he kissed back

"Yes" I said between our kiss, I pulled away a few seconds, our heads touching as we smiled at each other

I'm glad I've confessed. I'm glad he already knew it.


Finally I've updated for such a long time

just wait for the special chapter

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