Chapter 1: Moving

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Jennie's POV

I started to fix my things because I am moving back to korea with my bestfriend since my father just died here in new zealand. I was in the middle of my university when my mom just wanted to go back to korea because we don't have enough money to live there in new zealand. And my mom found a new job in korea. The only thing we could do is we will go back to korea ofcourse

Korea.., My Hometown where I lived when I was young. Where I met my best friend. Where I had lots of fun unlike in New Zealand I struggle so much to learn English so badly. But I like New Zealand, it is already a part of my life as well but leaving New Zealand means leaving my friends here and leaving my New Zealand memories.

I am still in my room, fixing my things, ITS SO MANY, I have like 2 big boxes and 5 luggage because I have a lot of clothes and shoes. On the other hand I have 2 big boxes filled with shoes since I am a fashionista. When I was done fixing my things, I carried my things one by one to the living room. As I was walking upstairs back to my room, It was the last box. I looked at my room with my sad expression all written on my face.

I took my last box and went down after I closed my room. I took out my headphones and put it on my neck. I was just wearing my jogger pants and plain white croptop with my black boots. My mom just got down with her last box. She smiled to reassured me

"Honey.. We'll be alright"

I nodded in response. We went out to call a taxi as we call a taxi, My mom decided to seperate taxi so the boxes will fit in. I got a first taxi and my mom helped me to put my boxes in as the rude driver just sat there. I went in the taxi and told him the destination.

I put on my headphones and started to listen some English songs like, One direction, 5 seconds of summer and more. Its quiet a long ride. 30 minutes later we reached the airport. I took out all my stuff without the help of that rude driver and he just drove off and forgot about the payment. Well 'Karma' He forgot about it.

A few minutes later mom came. I helped her to put out her clothes. We took a bag carrying things (Sorry! I don't what is called😂 Forgive me) we put it there and went in the airport. My mom took out our passport then after that we started to get in the airport. Our things at the back of the airplanes while our most important things will be ours.

We sat and I was sitting with my mom, I was at the window of the airplane. I put on back my headphones as I started to hum with it. The airplane started to flew off the ground as I kept listening to the music. My mom started to get to sleep until she really fell asleep.

I just chuckled at her then, looked outside and saw some fluffy clouds. I remembered when I was young I have to go to new Zealand that's why my best friend and I have to have a long distance friendship. I feel happy when I saw some good view, I just feel calm and quiet that's all.

A few hours...............

A few hours later, its time the airplane would land to the ground. I looked outside the window and looked at it excitedly while landing like I was like a little kid. As we land we started to get off the plane. Me and my mom grabbed our things and went out the airplane so we can get our other stuff. As we were in the airport, We took our things and checked if we missed anything. We took again the bag carrying out things (Sorry😂).

Me and my mom took a separate taxi again so our things could fit. Mom got in first so the other taxi will follow to our house. What would it feel to be in Korea again? Is other Koreans nice at all? Hope I will have a nice school and nice classmate. I'm going to school here in the middle of schooling. Mom decided to not redo my university so I can graduate at the time I should be so I respect her.

As we reached our destination, I got out and took my things as the taxi driver helped with my things. Good taxi driver. Now Im starting like Korea again. How I miss korea. As he took all my stuff out I gave the money but had a tip on it. He got in his taxi and drove off. I looked at the house that we are going to live in. It's quite nice tho. Good for the two of us. We took our things one by one.

As we put all our things inside and I decided to put my things inside my room instead. I put my things in my room where my mom pointed that I be there. As I was done, I lay on my bed it was quite comfy and comfortable. I lay on my bed and started to get to sleep since it was almost night but then my phone ding in notification. I opened my phone and it was an unknown number. I looked at it for the moment before I could reply

hey~ I heard that you came back to Korea🤗

Uhmm.. Who are you?

It's me... aww! I got your number from your mom.. Because she told me that you changed your number a year ago.

Okay? Im confused.. Who are you for real?

It's your bestfriend. Taehyung

I got shock about he just told that he was taehyung. I changed my number cause there is someone stalking me so I changed it. But really? I got to talk to my best friend again!!!

Really?!! Tae is that you?! for real! I missed you!

Sorry about changing my number. I have to changed it and I forgot to write down your number and I lost my other number card.

Jennie change his name to 'Taetae💖'

Nice to meet you again. And I heard that you will be schooling with me. Hope you will be my classmate.

Sure.... Bye I'll see you at school.


I put my phone away and sighed in relief. Well, Korea is going to he good I guess. Well, I charged my phone and the room door open revealing my mom smiling.

"Honey.. You will be schooling with taehyung"

"Yeah.. Taehyung texted me... he told me that you gave him my number" I chuckled at my mom

"You'll start you're school the other day after tomorrow at Seoul University" My mom announced. She opend the door again and looked at me first "Goodnight" She walked out the room.

Hi guys! this is another story of Jenmin! I really love jenmin so much!

Hope you like it of course!

Sorry for wrong grammar and spellings.

It started with a text||JenMinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin