You... You Bastard!!!

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Black readies a pink rosē ki blast while Goku struggles to get out of Zamasu's grip.

Kakarot: Don't hit him! Hit me with it!

Black launches the ki blast at Vegeta hitting him, putting him in an unconscious state. Kakarot looks at Vegeta with expanded eyes. Then he shifts his gaze over to Black with such anger.

Kakarot: You.. You bastard!! I'll kill you!!

Kakarot finds the strength and throws Zamasu off of him and into the locker. Then launches himself at Black, where they start exchanging blows. Kakarot put all his strength and anger into his fists and punch him in the face, then pinched him again in the stomach.

Black: Aaack.

Zamasu recovering from being thrown, looks around to see teachers running over to the fight.

Zamasu: Black! We gotta go! Teachers!!

Black stops fighting Kakarot and runs off in the opposite direction from where the teacher were coming. Kakarot runs over to Vegeta and make sure he still Okay.

Kakarot: Vegeta? I'm so sorry. They hurt you and couldn't protect you.

Mr. Pop: What is going on here?

Kakarot: They walked up to us and hurt Vegeta.

Mr. Pop: Who are "they"?

Kakarot: Black and Zamasu.

Mr. Pop: Take Vegeta to the nurse.

Mr. Jersey: If anyone has a class with either Black or Zamasu come to me, everyone else get to your class now!! The fights over.

Kakarot picked up Vegeta and brought him to the nurse with Mr. Pop escorting them. Unfortunately, no one came forward when Mr. Jersey asked if anyone had class with Black or Zamasu. So, he had to go to the office, bring up there schedules, print them out and go to their classes and find them.

At the nurse, Kakarot waited with Vegeta, who still laid unconscious, while Mr. Pop called their parents.


Mr. Pop: Mr. Ouiji-Sama, Vegeta was in a fight today and is unconscious at the school nurse.

KV: Was Kakarot there?

Mr. Pop: Yes. From what he has told me. Some students named Black and Zamasu called your son some names and Kakarot stood up for him but Vegeta wanted to walk away. Then Zamasu and Black started fighting him and Vegeta swung his bag at Black and he returned a ki blast. But they got away before we could stop them.

KV: I'm on my way.

Mr. Pop: Kakarot was in a fight today with Black and Zamasu, other students from the school.

Gine: Oh dear. I'm on my way there.

-Skip to when King Vegeta arrives-

KV: Get away from my son.

Kakarot: No.

KV: Get away. I don't want you near him. You're reckless, you started a fight and you let them hurt Vegeta.

Kakarot: No. I know I let him get hurt but I'm sorry that I didn't protect him. I'm going to make sure they pay for hurting him.

KV: Nice speech but that's not gonna help.

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