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Vegeta walks into the room and gaps seeing Kakarot's condition. His body wrapped in bandages were the skin is burned, tubes in his nose and a needle in his arm. He walks over to Kakarot's left side.

Vegeta: Ohh, Kakarot. You didn't deserve this.

Bardock: He's gonna be okay. He'll be in here for some time but he'll pull threw.

Vegeta: Yea but still.

Bardock: Doctor said he should wake up soon or within a few days.

Vegeta: Okay.

Bardock: I'll be back. I'm going to call Raditz and my wife.

Vegeta: Okay.
Bardock leaves and calls his wife and son. Vegeta looks at the ground.

Vegeta: I'm so sorry. I should have stopped him.

Kakarot: It's okay. You did what you could.

Vegeta: Your awake?

Kakarot: Yea.

Vegeta: Your so strong.

Kakarot: Hehehe.

Vegeta: Your dad went to call your brother and mom.

Kakarot: Thanks for telling me.

Vegeta: I will stay by your side no matter what.

Kakarot: Thanks but you still have school and other important things to do.

Vegeta: I'll still go but I'll come and see you whenever.

Kakarot looks around the room then down at his arm.

Kakarot: Is... is that a needle!?!

Vegeta: Yea. What did you think it was?

Kakarot: Get it out! Get it out! Get it out!

Kakarot tries to pull the needle out but Vegeta stops him.

Vegeta: Leave it alone. Think of it as a gummy worm.

Kakarot: A gummy worm? I love gummy worms.

Vegeta: Oh Kakarot. Wait. What about our plans for next week? You can't go in this condition.

Kakarot: We are still going. I'll be better and out of here before you know it.

Vegeta: Hopefully.

Kakarot: I love you.💋

Vegeta: I love you to.😘

Raditz: Eww. Get a room.

Gine: Why did you ruin the moment?

Raditz:  No one wants to see them being all lovey dovey.

Bardock: What are these plans, you two were talking about?

Kakarot: I was planning on taking Vegeta up to the cabin next week so we could relax.

Gine: How romantic.

Vegeta: I'm staying with my aunt.

Kakarot: Good. When things cool down, you can go back home.

Vegeta: Its not that simple, Kakarot.

Kakarot: What do you mean? It's not that simple.

Vegeta: After your dad brought you here. I talked to my day, more like yelled, anyway he told me not to come back home if I didn't like the way he ran the house.

Love For The Other Saiyan(GokuxVegeta)Where stories live. Discover now