Chapter 1- I Love You

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As I wake from my trembling and terrifying night of horrible dreams, I stare at the ceiling as if it will make my mind erase and forget my dreams of loss.

I get out of bed slowly, with my mind filled with thoughts. I lean against my bedroom door frame to see if my younger brother, Greg, is alright because he has really bad dreams about his past year. It has been very bitter and unenjoyable year since my older sister, Rue, was a tribute last year.

My life was very gloomy and undesirable, and I felt like I was a moth, struggling and suffocating in my cocoon.

I see that he is well relaxed and calm, but he is sweating like crazy. He probably had a scary, but yet quiet, dream. Please let him stay asleep, but I had to jinx it.

He gets out of his bed, sleep walking, and gets his knife off of his nightstand. He follows me as if he knows what he's doing, even though he doesn't... right? I back to the door and put my hands on his shoulder and shake has hard as I can, but before I can do anything, he gets his knife and cuts my right side. I then slap him since my shaking isn't working. He wakes up to blood trickling down my leg. He looks at me like I'm a wounded animal, no chance of getting help.

We stare at each other until I collapse into his arms, crying. It hurts, but Greg doesn't need to know that, but I can barely stand up. I try my best to blink my tears away, but they keep coming.

Greg rushes into the bathroom to get the bandages, and I take a small glance at my scar. It's a lot more serious than I thought. There's a big scar all the way up my side and I'm bleeding really... really badly. Greg hurries back and sees I'm bleeding worse.

My wound is from the bottom of my rib cage to the bottom of my thigh. It tingles more than it hurts.

Logan, the oldest sibling in the family, runs in with a skillet. Either to hit somebody or he was in the middle of cooking. Probably both. He picks me up and runs me to the car.

"Hurry Logan! She could die from bleeding to death!" exclaims Greg.

"I can't run the speed limit, or that'll get us there even slower. So shut up!" replies Logan.

I'm so light headed right now I almost get sick at every turn. Thinking about this has made my head spin even more.

I think, What if I don't make it out of this alive. Then Greg will always have the nightmare of killing his older sister. Instead of sleeping with me, Logan will have to sleep with Greg through his nightmares. Wait! don't think like that... don't you dare!

I whisper, "I love you."

Then, the back of my eyelids become black.

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