Chapter 33

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As promised...


(Word Count: 664)


I was about to see how the progress was going with everyone when he doorbell rang. I prepared to yell at my father for returning not expecting anyone else but him.

I open the door, "WHY ON GOD'S GREE-...Oh, hi Mitchell...MITCHELL!!! YOU ARE IN SOOO MUCH TROUBLE!!!" I yell. 

"I thought you said they let you go out...You lied to a superior?" said the mystery Sire.

"I- u-um..." Mitch stuttered in shock with tears in his eyes.


  3rd POV

Scott wakes up to hear Avi downstairs screaming at the top of his lungs. He go down stairs to see why he was screaming even though he's tired. 

Scott get downstairs to see a livid Avi, a mysterious Sire, and Mitch.

"MITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled as he ran down and hugged him. 

He hugged Mitch as tight as possible because he didn't want him to lose him again. Scott  continues to hug and drown out Avi's yelling. Everyone else seems to be preoccupied in trying to calm Avi down.

Scott preoccupied with seeing and hugging and never letting go of his Fledgling again. 

"Mitch?" Scott asks. 

"Yes Sire?" he answers.

"Can you never run away again. You aren't in trouble, with me at least, but I really missed you and I know I don't really show it much, but I— I really love you and me no being able to find you hurt me more than ever. I'm sorry I didn't take Avi's feeling towards his parents into consideration before inviting them to stay. I just felt bad and I guess I was being too nice and let go of my better judgment... Please forgive me..." Scott says.

Mitch ponders in thought about everything Scott just said. Mitch replies," Scott, I will forgive you, but  you have some major sucking up to do between me and Avi."

Scott just nods happily because he has his other half back and safe in his arms.

On the other hand, Avi was calming down so he could be more rational throughout this whole situation. 

"So you're a Sire?" Avi asks.

"Yes sir. I am." he replies. 

As soon as Avi was about to reply Kirstie jumps up and interrupts him.

"So what's your name? Do you have a clan? CAN HE JOIN OURS!?" Kirstie says excitedly.

Avi calmly says, "Kirstin, don't interrupt me please. But, yes, what's your name and the rest of what she asked."

" Oh. My name is Matt. And, no I currently do not have a clan. But, joining yours would be up to you since, I'm assuming you are the leader of this clan." 

Avi thinks about whether he should let Matt join or not. Mitch has been having some crazy dreams lately and they tend to come true. Extra protection in case something could be helpful.

Avi finally says, "You know what? If you can pass a few series of test you are welcome to stay in our clan. If not, we will also help you find a clan to stay in if you would like."

"Ok. I'll do it." Matt said. "I will try my ver--"

A big thud interrupts Matt as he was talking. Scott, Avi, and Matt rush into the kitchen to find a distressed Todrick and an Unconscious Kevin.

"We need to go to the hospital ASAP!!" Todrick says.

And with that Matt's first challenge appeared to Avi. "Matt, I need you to stay here with Mitch and Kirstie. You need to watch them while myself and Scott take Kevin to the hospital. Todrick you can stay here come with use, or go back home to your clan if you would like."

" I'll go home sir. I sure Kevin will be alright and that Matt will do a fine job at watching Mitch and Kirstie." Todrick says as he leaves.

"I won't let you down Avi." Matt said.

Avi nods and thinks, "I sure hope not..." 

Avi and Scott rush to the car to get Kevin to the hospital to make sure their Keeper is okay.


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