Chapter 12

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(Word count: 1251)


After about 15-20 minutes of Todrick asking questions he made sure to ask about their rank.

Once both said that they we're Fledgelings that moved onto questions about punishments they would receive.

Todrick held his clipboard and wrote down their answers. "So, if you talked back to your master what would that result in?" He glanced up at the two.

Avi was a bit nervous on how they would answer these questions. He didn't have the heart anymore to punish Kirstin and Scott would kill him if he punished Mitch, especially now, so it's been a hot minute since.

"Wait like generally or... How we're punished?" Kristen raised her hand hesitantly.

"How you guys are punished, please. I need to write down how your pack works with you guys." Todrick smiled warmly.

"Well, I mean, I think it used to be a time-out sorta thing." Michelle answered.

"You think?" The Keeper carefully asked.

"Well yeah it's been awhile." Kristen shrugged.

The rest of the pack cringed. It was a rule to punish your Fledgeling if they did something wrong no matter what. They had that rule broken for some time now.

"May I ask why? Are you that well behaved?"

"No, it's just that they don't wanna hurt us like the rest of the Fledgelings." Michelle cocked her head to the side.

"Oh ahem... Well are you sure that's what happens?" Todrick furrowed his brows.

"Mhm! It's happened to me before he liked me." Kristen exclaimed.

"Kristen your making it sound like he hated you all this time. She means romantically." The brunette chuckled dryly.

"Alright, if your sure.."


A Keeper grabbed Michelle's hand and yanked it towards him. She jumped but remained quiet and slapped him enough to catch him off guard before running away to the far left side of the room.

He ran over to her and she blocked his grabbing motion by moving to the left quickly and kicking the back of his knee as hard as she could, which wasn't hard enough to hurt him but to just make him kneel to the floor.

Then she ran to the right not touching the walls knowing she could get cornered.

He was stalking toward her before she did the only thing she could think of and screamed at the top of her lungs...


"Okay, Michelle. That's how you would get peoples attention around you if a Master ever tried to take or touch you. What would you do if nobody was around to help?" Todrick asked from the corner of the room.

"Demonstrating or...?-"

"No, just talking. He's just a Keeper so we cant exactly realistically portray that. He would need the strength of a Master." Todrick reassured.

"Well... I mean... Uhm. I would probably just grab the heaviest item I could find and beat them with it if you ask me." Michelle shrugged.

Todrick stared blankly and his lips twitched upward before continuing.

"Uh, well I guess I could accept that answer since it would get you away from the attacker..."

"Then yeah that's my answer. That's just what I, personally, would do." The brunette gave a little chuckle.

"Maybe you could use that scream and just destroy their eardrums." Kristen said touching her ears.

The Masters chuckled and Kevin shrugged in agreement. Even if it wasn't scientifically realistic.

"Kristen your up."

A small 'ok' was said before the blonde walked to the middle of the room.

A small cry was heard before a child ran into the room to Kristen.

Being in Fledgling mode her motherly instincts kicked in and she immediately crouched down in front of the child.

"What's wrong?"

"I lost my mommy and he's chasing me b-but I don't know who is he." The child rubbed his eyes like he had been crying even though he was acting.

"Whats your name? How old are you?"

"9 a-and I'm Toby."

Kristen honestly thought he was way younger but discarded the thought as the same Keeper who touched Michelle walked through the door.

"Sorry, haha. That's my kid he just ran away from me. I'll take him back now." He held out his hands once he was standing in front of the pair.

Michelle's eyes glowed with the instinct to mother the child but stayed in place since it was Kristen's turn.

"He is saying that a man is chasing him. I can't let you." Kristen cocked her head to the side.

"I'm his father I promise, right buddy?" The Keeper smiled at the child.

Kristen could hear a small whisper from Toby with her abilities "But I have another momma..." Something that nobody else was able to hear.

Kristen reviewed everything he said to her before coming to a conclusion.

"He said nothing of a father. He said that he was with his mother so I can't let him go with you. Leave him alone." Kristen slowly stood up and raised her voice.

"Give him to me, he's my child" The Keeper's tone turned colder with each word. "I don't want no trouble."

A female Master walked in at that moment, almost as if she was looking for something in the plain white room and Kristen immediately called her over seeing the obvious similarities with the 2.

"Toby there you are! I was so worried!" She ran over and stared at the Keeper who still had his arms out to the child.

"May I ask what your doing?" She said sternly.

"Trying to take your child, posing as the father." Kristen allowed the child to latch onto her leg.

The Masters eyes glowed red before Todrick yelled 'stop,' to remind her that it was all a test.

"Awesome, Kristen. Same question as Michelle." Todrick smiled as Michelle stared and sniffed the air toward the child to see if he was hurt. A Fledglings Motherly instinct.

"What would you do if nobody was around? More importantly the parent or guardian?"

"Um, distract them or catch them off guard then run into a store or to someone and ask for help?" The short blonde questioned.

"Is that your final answer? Haha, you don't sound to sure." The Keeper chuckled.

"Uh... Yeah. Yeah it is."

"Great, then I think that's all for today. I'll probably see you for you next check in. Though I think it'll be the Masters that time around."

He showed them all out and took the Masters into a room to discuss the results with them leaving the Keeper behind to watch the two.

"You think the three will be behave there by themselves? Avi turned his head to Scott, still walking.

"I trust him."

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