Chapter 21

229 19 11

Let's see who the winner is...😏😏😏😏

(Word Count: 268)

"And the winner was— TODRICK!!!" Kevin yelled and soon ran away.

Everyone sat there confused as to where the Keeper was running to.
"Aw! Come on, Kevin!!! Who won!!!" Scott yelled.

Todrick POV 


I turn around to see...wait...what?! KEVIN?!! "KEVIN" I yell and start to run towards him. We finally close the gap and hug. "What a pleasant, truly unexpected, surprise!" I said.
"Yes it's been way too long, we need to catch up. Give me your number and I'll give you a call." Kevin said. I have him my number and he went back to wherever he came from.

Too bad he doesn't know giving me his number was a bad thing. It's good for me. I'll get a chance to get closer to that fledgling. He'll be ours soon...

Third Person POV

Kevin soon came back to see everyone was sleep. He woke up the Sires and they picked up their fledglings and we left the park after a good picnic. (Just assume there was a  major time skip from them arriving to the race😂)

Unknown POV


"Well I'm sorry that I didn't have enough time to use my power of charm and persuade him to let me go with them. He said hi, we exchanged numbers, and he left."

"Stop being a smartass and actually use the powers you do have!"


I wonder who these unknown people could be... Also I don't know if I know who the winner is yet...

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