Chapter 15

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What the Blood Moon looks like. ↑

(Word count: 689)


The Sires finished up their tests, getting their results and immediately leaving, not bothering to try to go to the restaurant across the street.

Scott froze for a second. Something felt off.

He looked around, alarmed and it seemed that nobody noticed. Avi was opening the car door for Kristin and Kevin was opening up the backseat door, climbing in.

Avi noticed Scott's behavior and walked over to him and Mitch, who was attached to the Sire's side, concern visible in his eyes.

"You alright?" The eldest of the clan touched Scott's shoulder.

"Yeah, I think my instincts are just sensitive right now from the test." Scott narrowed his eyes, still looking around.

"Okay, well get in the car, Kirstie's getting tired."

He nodded before watching Avi walk off. The blonde took another look around before looking at Mitch.

It was almost like he was put on a robot setting. His eyes were staring at the sunset, his head tilted, almost as if it was speaking to him words he couldn't understand.

"Mitchell. Mitchell" He snapped his fingers in front of the Fledglings face, which broke him out of his trance. "Are you doing okay?"

Mitch looked up at him, giving a small 'I'm fine' before pulling on Scott's hand in the direction of the car.

He didn't question what happened to him any further and neither did Mitch...


At the house his 'condition' worsened.

Kirstie begged Avi to watch a movie until he caved in and said yes.

Kevin went to the kitchen after Avi asked him to make dinner, without much argument.

Just that Avi kept telling him 'I don't know' whenever Kevin suggested something he could cook. He threw a quick 'fine, whatever' and headed towards the kitchen.

Mitch quickly headed up to his and Scott's shared room. Not sparing a glance at anyone, not even the blonde.

"What was that about?" Avi said sitting on the couch and gathering his Fledgling in his arms as she searched for a movie.

Scott shrugged and looked at the hallway Mitch went into. "I don't know, I'll check on him in a bit."

The small brunette all but ran into the room and closed the door before sitting and slouching on the bed.

"Ready for the plan?" Michelle said in Mitch's head. He could practically feel her smirking.

"Tell me what it is, then we'll see." Mitch said back, mildly annoyed.

"Well, someone forgot about their blood moon happening in about 5 minutes." Michelle's smirk turned into a grin as Mitch felt his head spin.

"What?! I thought it was Kirstie's turn!?"

He stumbled to the window and opened the curtains, the red tint shining bright on his face making him cringe and as he made a noise close to a cats hiss, before he closed the curtains quickly.

Turning around, he smelled his Sire getting closer and closer each step making him press against the wall, and take heavier breaths.

"Don't worry, I'll give you control in a bit. Don't you dare stop what's about to happen." His mischievous Fledgling warned him carefully, he was losing control already. He didn't have much of a choice.

Scott was right outside the door, the smell of his dominance was to much to handle, especially with Mitch's sensitive nose.


The door opened and Mitch gasped, his head slightly leaning up as he grew tiny fangs and his eyes turned yellow.

Scott almost instantly smelled Michelle and walked over to the window she was in front of, opening the curtains, immediately hit by the minimal red light coming from the moon.

The Sire shook his head. "I thought it was supposed to be Kirstie's turn!"

He slowly looked down when he felt a hand sensually run up his arm and rest on his chest.

Scott froze as Michelle's tongue peeked out, running it along her tiny fangs as she smirked.

"You were wrong, baby..."

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