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"Stop actin' like dat," I spat at Wynter since she was mad about some bitch starin' at me in the mall. I ain't have time for her to be on my ass about shit I had control of bitches eyeballs. I yanked her as she was startin' to talk. Our lips met and I gripped her chin forcin' the kiss to become somethin' deeper. "Chill out," I restated. She breathed out uneasily and nodded, "okay fine.."

Ring! Ring!

My doorbell rung several more times. I sat up from the couch and walked towards it, I slung it open seein' Wynter standin' there in a panic.

Wynter Dawson.

"Have you heard from Tez?" I wondered with my eyes red. Kentrell scratched his dread head and shook it, "what happened?" He questioned sounding confused. I stepped inside pushing him out the way. "Well he told me he was doing just one more drop and that was like three days ago and I haven't seen him since.. He hasn't called me or anything for that matter. I'm worried sick." I confessed. If something happened to Tez I wouldn't know what I'd do with myself. But I know for a fact Kentrell had nothing to do with it because they were putting their differences aside for me or atleast it felt like they were.

"Call him again," he demanded.

I pulled my phone out and dialed his number hearing it go to an automatic voicemail. "See? He's never done this I'm worried sick," I admitted.

Kentrell kissed his teeth, "look it don't look like you slept in days. Lay on tha couch and I'll see who heard what," he said guiding my body to the sofa.

I laid down carefully and sighed, "I'm just so worried."

"You got every right to be imma go get dressed," he spoke then he exited from my view. I glanced at the tv seeing it was on sports as usual. I unlocked my phone and saw I had a new message and it was from Tez.

Tez ♥️😋: my bad I thought I texted you back. I didn't have no service they make me drive to N.O.

I sighed completely relieved, "Kentrell it's okay I got him!" I shouted sitting up from the couch. Kentrell came back still not dressed with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"I got him," I repeated.

Kentrell mumbled with his mouth full of foam from the toothpaste then he raced to the bathroom. Moments later he came back, "where he was at?" He wondered walking to me. "In New Orleans with no signal," I shook my head, "I can't believe I was that worried honestly."

Kentrell chuckled, "call me if somethin' happen."

He pecked my cheek then I decided to go back to my house since I did have a few words for Tez. Once I arrived he was in the bedroom watching TV in the bed as if everything was completely okay. "Nigga you had me worried sick," I nearly shouted removing my clothes. He yanked me to the bed and kissed my lips aggressively a single time, "I missed'chu too."

I climbed into his lap, "no I was really worried."

"I know chill."

I glared at him not admiring this new change in his voice. He seemed less happy than usual almost sort of dry. He wrapped his arms around me and sat his hands on my ass which had soft cotton panties. "What's wrong with you?" I wondered not wanting to deal with this new him any longer. 

He looked at me finally, "who's Marlo?"

My heart beat began to speed up a bit, it raced everytime someone brought up his name. I hadn't heard it in so long I forgot how it had sounded. "Mar-Marlo?" I questioned as if I hadn't heard right the first time. "Yeah who is he and who was he to you?" He asked looking serious as ever.

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