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I sniffled inserting the large spoon of ice cream into my mouth. My emotions were starting to get the best of me. My eyes were locked on Jack and Rose, they only made everything worse. Here I was pretending to the public eye that I was strong when in reality I was broken. A'melia was the only thing keeping me sane. Could you imagine losing someone when you'd just gotten so close to them? Just at the last minute when you were finally starting to love them? It was as if I loved Marlo too late and that's what I hated.

My phone buzzed once more and I scoffed in annoyance seeing it said Kentrell. He was the last person I wanted to talk too honestly.

It stopped buzzing and started right back up not even seconds later.

I looked over just to be sure it wasn't Meli and it was damn sure Kentrell once again. I was mentally praying it wasn't an emergency of any sort. Last thing I wanted was something drastic to happen to him - clearly I still cared for him when I shouldn't.

Ding! Ding!

I opened opened the messages and scanned my eyes over them.

Kentrell: I cant believe you

Kentrell: I hope I die in this bitch since you really dont give a fuck abt me anymore fuck kinda friend you is

I pushed the call button and placed the phone to my ear knowing soon enough I'd regret it. "Fuck do you want?" He answered. Angry seemed to be an understatement. "Kentrell can you calm the actual fuck down? I'm at home.. I'm not coming back to see you, you don't deserve that," I replied truthfully while fighting back my tears. "Guh i don't give a fuck no mo do what'chu wanna do," he spat letting me know exactly how he felt at the moment. I knew all too well he wouldn't feel like this in an hour or tomorrow morning. He was always in his feelings about the slightest things I do. Its like if I breathed wrong I'm being called a big headed bitch with lopsided titties or something like that.

I sighed, "okay goodnight Kentrell I love you."

The dial tone greeted my ear and I smiled knowing I'd possibly just bother him even more since I said that. I dug the spoon deeply into the vanilla ice cream taking a big bite and went back to focusing on the tv infront of me.



I groaned as light had entered tha room. It seemed to be about that time for my medicine anyway, they came in hea' every few hours. "Alright Mr. Gaulden," the nurse said holding a white cup. I snatched it from her and winced as she turned on the light, brightenin' tha room even mo.

I sat the pill in my mouth and pretended to swallow, I smiled brightly at her.

"Haha you're so adorable," she teased then went towards the door exitin'. I spit the pill out and heard it drop to the floor. I turned back on tha light. The only reason I did that was because I wanted to feel tha pain. I needed to feel somethin'. I deserved to be in pain, I didn't deserve to be relaxed or numb for that matter.

I yanked the iv from my arm which felt pointless, that shit was only makin' a nigga cold. I adjusted tha gown which slouched off my shoulder. I winced slightly as it brushed against my wound a bit. But I wasn't tryna let it phase me.

I called Ben and told him I needed a ride. He was on tha way wit no hesitation.


I banged on the large do' waitin' for Wynnie to open it up. I already had been standin' outside for two minutes but Ben didn't bother to drive off cause he wanted to make sho I got in safe. "Wynnie!" I hollered growin' angrier by tha second. She couldn't have been sleepin' that hard. She was a really lighter sleeper.

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