chapter twenty seven

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"Least I know my
hope is that you
stick around till the
end cause you're
my best friend.

You cut me I
bleed gold.
I miss you though
you're cold."

"Be careful, okay?" Allison stated caringly. "We don't know what Peabody's capable of." We all walk towards his house as I sighed.

"Yeah, he didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him," Diego said nonchalantly. "Looked kinda scrawny."

"Yeah, well, so are most serial killers and mass murderers," Allison added. "I mean, look at him." She then points to Five and I let out a laugh as Five glared at me.

"Thanks." He said sarcastically.

"Good point," Diego said as I watch Allison walk away from us. "What's this guy want with Vanya?" Diego asked as we went up the three stairs leading to the front door.

"I don't know. How about we ask him after we kill him?" Five said as I look up at Diego to see his reaction. But he only reached out his hand, stopping us from our tracks.

"Whoa, whoa, hey, look I'm gonna burst through-" Then he stops talking, looking around for Allison.

"She went that way," I said pointing at the direction she went. "She probably hates working with you two idiots." I then earn two death glares from two totally different heights. I chuckle a little as Diego shifted his gaze to Five.

"You know what? It would be nice for people to stick to-" Then Five grabs my hand, teleporting out of there. We thankfully teleported inside as I laugh a little.

"Now I feel bad for Diego," I sarcastically said as Five ignored my statement. We were inside the house of Leonard Peabody or Harold Jenkins, whichever sounds more intimidating. Allison then comes into my view as she smiled at us. "Back door?"

"Back door," She confirmed. Then, we hear a crash coming from the other room as we walked carefully to see what happened. There on the floor was Diego, groaning as glass surrounded him. "Subtle." Allison says as I burst into laughter. Five then opens the front door nonchalantly as he looked down at Diego.

"You know, the door was unlocked?" Diego then looks up at us, carefully standing up.

"Yeah? Well, my way works just fine."

"Mhm, I can tell." I said as I glance at the glass covering the ground.

"Spread out. Yell if- you know, you're in trouble." He then walks away to a random room.

"Ah, inspiring leadership." Five commented.

"One of the greats." Allison added.

"Still by far one of my favorites." I shrugged, walking away, leading myself to the living room. I hear Allison chuckle as Five groaned, following me.

"Stick with me." He said, annoyed.

"Spread out, remember?"

"But stick with me." He flatly said as I look around the living room.

"I think I'm fine on my own," I turn to him, giving him a sarcastic smile as he clicks his tongue. We look around the living room, yet nothing was to be found. It looked too basic. I sighed as Five tried looking under everything. He held his hand against his stomach as I approached him. He then quickly stood up straight, taking his hand away from himself, smirking at me. "What's wrong?" I asked, obviously worried.

"Just hungry. Stomach is hurting." He shrugged. I ignored the situation with a little bit of concern left in me.

"Guys, you need to see this!" I hear Allison shout from upstairs. Five stared at me for a second before running away from me to go upstairs. I jog with them, trying to avoid the glasses on the floor and trying to avoid accidentally hitting Diego who was in front of me. We reach upstairs, seeing Allison and a ladder leading up to the attic. We all look at each other before going up the ladders, watching ourselves.

As soon as all four of us got up into the cramped room, there was something in the air that made me feel so uneasy. Minus the fact that Harold Jenkins had an obsession with the Umbrella Academy.

"All our faces are burnt off." Allison says as I look around. I see pictures that were marked and crossed out. Action figures that were melted to look gross.

"Well, that's not creepy," Diego added as I continued to inspect the small room. "This guys got some serious issues."

"Shit." Both Diego and Five added as I chuckle.

"This was never about Vanya," Allison stated. "This was about us." Then Number Five collapsed on the floor.

My first instinct was the run over to him, which I did. I leaned down on my knees as he hissed in pain.

"What the fuck did you do?" I shout at him, feeling myself heat up. He then pushes his hand down his stomach as we all watch his shirt stain itself crimson red. My eyes widened as they inspect the blood. I couldn't think of anything to do. So, I grab his face, making him look at me. "Keep your eyes fucking open, Five. I swear." I sighed to him as I hear him chuckle weakly.

"You guys have to keep going," He sighs. "So... Close." He then begins to close his eyes.

"No, no." I shake his head.

"Five." Allison said sternly.

"Five, stay awake," I shook him more, getting angrier. "Number Five stay awake. Please, for me." I whimpered, afraid to lose the boy. We all try to shake him but the two siblings stopped to realize that he wasn't about to wake up.

"We have to go get him help, Alina." Diego says.

"He's not gonna wake up, right now. He's gonna be alright." Allison reassures me as I shook my head feeling one hot tear roll down my probably red face.

"Five." I said for the last time before realizing that the love of my life could die any second now.

I watch Grace bandaid him as I sat on the empty chair, quiet. After the eerie car ride home, I couldn't help but stay quiet. When I had his head on my lap as I made sure he wasn't losing any more blood. My hands were stained with his blood as I watch Allison and Diego look at me a couple of times through the rearview mirror. I quietly cried to myself but I didn't talk. They would as me yes or no questions which I would answer with a nod or a head shake. My mouth was dry and I could barely speak. He should have told me.

If he told me, we wouldn't be stuck here, waiting for the boy to be fine. We needed to save the world but I could care less about that now. I only cared about the boy on the bed who now had his pajamas on because his mother is too good. I let out a few more tears, quickly wiping them as I see Diego and Allison outside of the open room. I slowly walk up to them as I was engulfed with a hug from Allison and then one from Diego.

"Are you feeling better?" Allison asked concerned as I nodded.

"Um," I say as I realized how strained my voice sounds after I don't talk for a long time. "Yeah, but I think I'm gonna stay with him for now. You know, just in case." They both smile at me sadly.

"He will be fine." Allison tells me as I smile weakly at her.

"Yeah," I look down at the floor. "You guys should go ahead. I will catch up with you guys once he wakes up," I say as they nodded. "Stay safe." I say as I walk away from them to go back inside to my chair. Grace was now finishing touches as the two siblings started to talk. I sighed, now in defeat. I watch Five sleep carelessly as I wondered how he could do that. How can he sleep that peacefully knowing that I'm worried sick about him?

Before I know it, the two Hargreeves were not by the door anymore.

"Do you want something to eat?" I hear Grace's soft voice say as I smile at her.

"No, it's fine." I tell her as she stood up.

"He's all covered up now. I'll leave you alone." She leaves a smile hanging from her face, closing the door behind her. I didn't falter at all. I just saw Five and stared at him until I started to quietly cry again. And every time I would wipe the tears, they would come back with even more.

"I love you." Was the only thing I could have said. I wanted to apologize for not knowing. I wanted to apologize for not checking on him. I wanted to apologize for everything even though he wouldn't let me because I know that he loves me way too much.

The only I could do is watch him get rest, his hair messed up and his face pale.

[Hehehehe the next chapter is a yes.]

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