chapter twenty six

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"The world's a
little blurry.

Or maybe it's
my eyes."

"Protect Harold Jenkins. So he must be responsible for the apocalypse." Five tells his siblings as I sat next to Klaus, unable to leave because Five said so. His siblings' face contoured into confusion.

"What do you mean, protect time and space?"

"Where is this Hazel, Five?"

"My skin is on fire."

"I mean, do you have any idea how insane this sounds?" Allison asked Five who constantly held his sides as I tilt my head in confusion.

"You know what else is insane? I look like a 13-year-old boy," I tried to keep in my laughter since it truly wasn't the time. "Klaus talks to the dead and Luther thinks that he's fooling everyone with that overcoat," Following his remarks, I accidentally stifle out a laugh, making Diego and Klaus glare at me. "Everything about us is insane. It always has been."

"He's got a point there." Klaus agrees as I stood up, walking over to Five.

"It may sound insane but I'm here to confirm that this is how life is. I know my confirmation does not matter but for the sake of Five going insane himself, I'm here to support him," I look at his sibling as I feel their eyes on me. "Yay." I whispered, sarcastically to which Five turned away from me.

"We didn't choose this life. We're just living it. For the next three days, anyways." I sighed loudly, earning a glare from Five.

"But the last time we tried to stop it, we all died," Allison said, totally proving a point. "Why is this time any different? Why shouldn't I go home to my daughter?"

"Because this time, I'm here. We have the name of the man responsible. Guys, we actually have the chance of saving the lives of billions of people."

"We can save your whole family." I whispered, feeling hot, knowing I don't have a family.

"Including Claire."

"You know her name?" Allison asked.

"I do. And I'd like to live long enough to meet her." Five tells his sister as I let out a small smile so proud of him.

"All right. Let's get this bastard." Allison says, walking towards me.

"You had me at Gerald Jenkins." Diego says as I chuckled.

"Harold Jenkins." Five corrected.

"Whatever. I've already lost two people this week, I'm not losing anyone else." I felt sad for him as I watched him move around.


"Yeah, you guys go, I'm gonna stay behind and look through dad's files," He tells us. "I still think that this has something to do with why he sent me to the moon."

"Seriously? Now you wanna make the end of the world about you and dad?" Diego scoffed.

"No, 'Watch for threats', that's what he told me." He continues to bicker. "You think this is a coincidence? This all has to be connected somehow."

"I think we should stick together."

"I agree." I whispered.

"No, you're sticking this one out." Five tells me as I straightened my posture, furrowing my eyebrows.

"What? No!" I tell him as he shook his head.

"Yes, you are." He says.

"I agree." Diego chirps up.

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