chapter eight

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"Offended that

I walk the line."

I enter Five's room as I saw him look for something in his closet. I sat down on his bed, waiting for the brunette to pay attention to me. It was a while before he finally found a black duffel bag as I can hear him smile. Odd.

He turns around to face me as he puts the duffel back next to me.

"For Delores?" I pout, playfully. He only rolled his eyes, unzipping the bag to check if there's anything in there. To my dismay, it was empty. "You ignoring me?" I asked as he didn't reply, giving me a full answer. "I don't know why you're the one upset," I shrugged, standing up, fixing my skirt. "I'm going to find Klaus or something." I said about to walk off before he stops me. I look down to see his hand on my arm, holding me back as I smirked, knowing he can't stay mad.

"I'm not mad or upset," He sighed, letting go of me as I turned my body to him. "I'm sorry."

"You don't gotta be," I scoffed. "I'm not upset or mad either, just annoyed. You could have told me that this whole trip to the store was for your doll." I sarcastically laughed.

"She was important to me."

"Was? If she was important to you, let her go. It's a fucking mannequin!"

"What is your problem? You of all people should understand why I had her," He scoffed, grabbing the duffel back and carrying it on his back. "Why do you hate her so much?" He says, jumping so he was nowhere in sight. I groaned as I jumped downstairs to see him sitting on one of the chairs in the kitchen. I thought he left. He turned around, seeing me as I just stood there.

"What time are you going?" I asked as he just shrugged, turning away. "Let me know, cause I still want my clothes," He shrugs again. "For the record, I don't hate her." I said before warping back to his bedroom. I sat down, burying my head to my hands.

To be honest, I don't want to come. The whole thought of Five stealing a fucking mannequin was too absurd. I never personally met her because I wasn't that insane. But I remember everything. I remember exactly how Delores was out of the picture.

"I'll be honest, I can't believe you're still alive," Five said. Of course, he changed since the last time I saw him. We were sitting down at some stupid rocks as he was quite far from me. I wasn't stupid enough to realize that he was afraid of me. I ignored his remarks as I ate the canned food he offered me. "You look so different, I can't even believe it's still you."

"Well, it's been 15 years." I replied as I hear him scoff. I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to even look at him.

"I remember the time you left me," He said as I wanted to slap his damn words right out of his mouth. It really wasn't necessary. "That shit hurt." He chuckled. I slowly look up at him as I stopped eating.

"You were planning on leaving me once you had a way out!" I hissed as he just stared.

"You don't know that."

"Don't call me stupid." I say, standing up, handing him the canned food. I would've made a bigger scene by throwing it on the floor, but I couldn't waste food.

"And where are you going?" He asked, looking up.

"I don't know. But I'm not staying with you." I say as he just laughed again.

"How about we make a deal." He smiles as I was eager to listen. I sat back down slowly as he handed me back the food.

"What kind of deal?" I asked as he just smirked, his dimples seeping in.

"I help you actually get out of here, while you help me with traveling."

"What?" I say, confused.

"You can help me with carrying the cart and finding food while I try to find a way out. For both of us," He says as I only stared at him. "We can both get the job done." He smiled as I thought about it.

"Fine. But no leaving me behind." I say as I glance over the cart filled with random shit and a mannequin.

"Never that." He smirked as I tilted my head.

"Why do you have a mannequin?" I asked as he just chuckled.

"Used her for company. I guess I won't be needing her," He says, taking her and putting her down away from where we were. He put her down slowly and gently as he kneeled down. "Hey, I gotta leave you here, okay?" I overheard him. "Thank you for all the times you kept me up to talk. But now I actually have someone who can truly help and not just be company. I'm sure I won't be over you for a while but I'll find you again. But I can't have distractions anymore. When I get back, I promise to look for you, okay?"

I guess he never broke his promise. He's dedicated to looking for a mannequin he sacrificed for work. Five was smart to use her for company.

"Hey," I hear as Five comes in the room. "You okay?" He asked as I look up at him. "You seem tired, you should stay in," He tells me as I shook my head. "You deserve it."

"No." I said, firmly.

"It's dangerous for you to be out." He sighs as I squinted my eyes.

"I was an assassin, don't you remember?"

"Do you really wanna come?" He asked as I nodded.

"I'll be going to get my clothes and you can find your ex and we'll be off." I shrugged as he just smirked.

"And you're back!" He gasps as I looked at him confused.


"The real, sarcastic, witty and humorous you, is back." He said, cracking a smile.

[whenever something is italicized, its flashback! im sorry that this chapter was ugly hehe]

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