chapter eighteen

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"Guess we're still here waiting.
Darling, I'm sorry I tried.

I've got to hold it up for him."

"You okay?" Five asks, knocking on his brother's open door. He looked like a mess. He looked tired.

"Hey," He sighs at the two of us, a shirt on his arms, prepared to put it on. "Yeah, just long night." I press my lips together as Five put his hands in his pockets and Klaus puts the shirt over his head.

"More than one, from the looks of it." We let ourselves in as I stood behind Five, scared to look at his brother dead in the eye. I didn't know why, but I was just scared.


"Don't remember the dog tags." Five points out as I saw a single dog tag, draped around Klaus' neck.

"Yeah, they belonged to a friend." He lies, looking down at it.

"How about that new tattoo?"

"You know? I don't even totally remember getting it," I smiled with sympathy at the man as he only smiled at me back. "Like I said, it was a long night."

"You did it, didn't you?" I roll my eyes at Five who was only making it worse for Klaus. Of course, he did it.

"What are you talkin' about?" Klaus says, sitting down on his bed.

"You know, I can recognize the symptoms, Klaus." Five walks towards him as I stayed in place.

"Five, please." I sighed as he turned around to me and shrugged.

"Symptoms of what?" Klaus asked as Five turned back his attention to him.

"The jet lag," He takes out his hands from his pockets as I shook my head. "Full body itch," Klaus sighs to put his head down in his hands as I frowned. "The headache that feels like someone shoved a box of cotton through your nose and through your brain," Klaus lifts his head up to look at me, pleading for everything to stop. "You gonna tell me about it?"

"Your pals, when they broke into the house and they couldn't find you," I frowned knowing exactly what he was talking about. "they took me hostage instead." Fuck.

"And in return, you stole their briefcase." Five chuckled, looking at me and I just shook my head.

"Yeah," Klaus sighs. "I thought there was money in it, I could pawn, you know. Whatever," Five paced around as Klaus looks at me, nervously. "And then I opened it."

"And the next thing you knew, you were... Where?" He stops. "Or should I say when?"

"Five," I sighed as he looks at me. "Let Klaus rest." And I was then ignored by Five and Klaus only gave me a smile.

"What difference does it make?" Klaus asks Five.

"What diff- uh- Okay, how long were you gone?" Please, can he stop asking questions?

"Almost a year." I look at Klaus who looked so stunned.

"A year?" Five gasps, walking towards him. "You know what this means?"

"I'm ten months older now." I chuckle slightly.

"No, this isn't any sort of joke, Klaus." And he was right because there is one big problem.

"Hazel and Cha-Cha." I gasp as Five looked at me.

"Right," I look at Klaus who was now watching me pace around. "They will do whatever they can to get the briefcase," I groaned. "Where is now?" Five looks around the room.

"Gone, I destroyed it," Klaus mutters. "Poof!"

"What the hell were you thinking?" Five says as I rolled my eyes.

"Leave him alone, Five," His eyes stay on Klaus. "He has been through enough. Stop."

"What do you care, Number Five?" Klaus talks about as I sighed.

"What do I care? I needed it, you moron."

"Five!" I warn.

"So I could go back," Five only continues. "I could start over." Klaus sighs, standing up from the bed. He then gives me a hug and a kiss on the head as Five rolls his eyes.

"Stay safe with him." He then walks off.

"Where are you going?"

"Interrogation's over, just... Leave." Five then goes to Klaus' drawer, picking up a paper and a pen.

"Five, please stop," I frown as he did the exact opposite, writing on the pen. "Can I at least see it?" I sighed as he only folded the piece of paper, stuffing it inside his pockets, only for me to groan. "Wow." I chuckle as he walked right past me. What the fuck.

I sat there, with Delores, bored as fuck. I watch my favorite boy write with chalk all over his wall, trying to find an equation. For the past minutes, he has not acknowledged me or even Delores. Instead, he wrote like a maniac on drugs. I wouldn't know much about what he was writing, but I knew enough to understand that he's looking for the people who have the greatest probability of ruining the whole world. It could have been anyone at this point, but Five continued to write on the wall.

He tiptoed here and there when he had to since he wasn't the tallest. That itself made me smile at him. He would accidentally drop the chalk, cussing as he would pick it up. He would ask me to get him water every now and then. And he would tell Delores to stop complaining, though, to my dismay, she doesn't talk.

So I sat on a chair, Delores on my lap as I tapped her head, smirking at Number Five who continuously cussed, dusting off mistakes on the wall.

I hum here and there to mask the silence. And I would tap my foot, almost falling into deep sleep. But I couldn't, knowing that Five was almost done. I think.

After this, I know damn well he will kill whoever ends up at the end of the equation. Of course, as his partner in crime, I will come with. It's not the safest idea knowing that Cha-Cha and Hazel will definitely not leave us alone, but I couldn't care. There's really nothing to lose anymore.

My uncle is now dead, which I hated to think about so every time he would come up, I would drown it all out. It was difficult but I've had enough distractions. I can't take him back.

And I can't possibly lose Five. There's nothing really there to lose. After he stops the apocalypse, he will be home with his family. And he will be happy. And that's the only thing I want.

He was my coping mechanism, yet he caused so much anxiety. He was my happiness, yet he caused so much sadness. And he was- is my best friend, yet it feels like I'm drowned out sometimes. I am not complaining, though. Whatever he says goes because he has always been right.

That's why I have nothing to lose.

What's the worst that could happen? If I die; I die. And if I get to live to see Number Five succeed; then that's a miracle. But he is the reason why I sometimes don't believe in miracles.

But this is all the end. The apocalypse is coming and we still don't know how to stop it. People are coming for me. People want me tortured and dead. There is nothing in this world that could stop all that. And I am not complaining. Because in the end, we all deserve it.

"And I think I'm done." Number Five looks at me with as much happiness in his eyes as I can possibly imagine.

"Good job." That was the best I could say.

[This is messy omg you guys dont deserve this dumb shit. But I do know that it's spelt 'Dolores' but for the sake of being constant, I spell it 'Delores'. When I edit this book, I will fix it. Also, just to let you know that reading your comments are my favorite thing in world. You guys are so wholesome. I love yall]

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